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2,373 "Show me the money!"


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    I had a rough start when I opened my eyes for the first time. Struggling through life since 28 years. Finally I know the reason. FM gave me so much hold through the years. I accept my dissabilities and will always have a smile on my face:)

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    Autism makes me sometimes weak, but sometimes it's useful too:)


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  1. Again, I just pointed out that the test which Zealand did wasn't done with players which are comparable to Usain Bolt. Anyways...for me, pace and acceleration are indirectly overpowered but not directly. (Beside the fact that other parameters such as club reputration were left out but I don't want to discuss all parameters which may play a role). In modern football, you won't see teams pressing all the time. They might do it for 15 minutes and then take things a bit more easy again to recover. This isn't replicated well in the game. You can press 90 minutes if you want to. The way I lowered the impact of speedy players was to increase injuries for sprints etc., this way I was able to reduce the effectivity of physical players a little over the course of a season.
  2. I just pointed out that Usain Bolt isn't a good example for real life comparison. I'm not going into those other experiments in the past. Nothing changed since then.
  3. I don't think that Usain Bolt is a good example to compare his football skills with actual professional footballers with high ratings for pace and acceleration which were used in this experiment.
  4. Preview July update: - CA/PA Season update 24/25 - "Increased difficulty" mode - More aggressive transfers of top clubs - Canada squad registration fix - Several bug fixes Cheers Daveincid
  5. Download-Link is fixed. Just use the version in the link and you're good
  6. PM means: PRIVATE MESSAGE. It's annoying to say it again and again.... Finances in Germany will get better balanced after 2-3 seasons. If I leave it at the default values, clubs go highly into debt, sell all their facilities which makes them much weaker as they should be and B-teams dominate even more. Until I found a better way to balance it from the beginning, this is the most sustainable way for the time being.
  7. 8. I am very grateful for any feedback about found bugs. However, this must be formulated in such a way that I can do something with it. Please use the template below and send me a PM. I'll read every PM but depending of the issue I might not respond to every message (resource management): - Type of bug (visual, game-mechanics): - Affected Club/Nation/League: - Exact description of the bug + source if any why XY is wrong: - Screenshot (if useful): - Direct suggestions for improvement based on source XY: - Further comments:
  8. Quick info There were issues reported with the performance improvement file which resets the league system in Belgium to an old system (light version works fine). I recommend using the light version only. Cheers Daveincid
  9. FM24 "Increase Realism" Megapack JUNE UPDATE is now released - Download-Link in the main post is updated - You can find more information about the changes in the "Read me" file in the download link Enjoy! Cheers Daveincid
  10. Thanks for sharing your personal feelings. Life is tough sometimes. I'm with you
  11. I never stop working on updates so there will be an update every month until FM25, as it was in previous years. Patreon only. It's the best way for me to keep things as efficient as possible
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