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SouthCoastRed last won the day on September 3

SouthCoastRed had the most liked content!


12,831 "You've got two choices: go down the pit or work on an assembly line."



  • Member Title
    OTF BOTU 2020 Champion


  • Biography
    Silly old fool

About Me

  • About Me
    CATQT's resident grumpy old tw@t


  • Interests
    Football. Football. On line Football. Golf. Darts. Perving

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  • Currently Managing
    to cope, barely.

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  1. There are times when you really are a grumpy miserable old knob
  2. You've no idea, anniversaries and birthdays are the real gut kickers, things like this help so much 💙 Although the family WhatsApp group chat just now has the fantastic line..... "Dads ****ing loony internet mates are at it again!!"
  3. Haha they've got you! A Bliss is for life, not just Christmas
  4. We've been down this path before. The first time the poor woman's brain was on the verge of exploding till I rang to explain
  5. https://www.oakhavenhospice.co.uk Awww @Sons FC you soppy old goat, thank you so much 💙💙💙 Coincidentally, and so doubly appropriate, today is MrsSCRs birthday, she would have been 55 today if she was still with us. Now if you'll excuse me I'll go and have a little weep at the ongoing awesomeness of OTF and all it's wonderful inhabitants
  6. I'd have danced naked up the street for a win, but we had no right even being here tonight really
  7. Can I just suggest we shoot Baddiel and Skinner, because it’s never ****ing coming home
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