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Issue Comments posted by jamesh123

  1. 3 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello everyone, to give an update on this, we have this under review, but are seeing that quite a lot of your focuses are pretty narrow. 

    What we can suggest is that when creating a recruitment focuses make sure it is quite broad and don't overwork your scouts if you want to maximise the number of results they receive.

    Can you define what you mean by saying they need to be quite broad? 

  2. Not sure if it’s a common thing across all teams, but I noticed it last year too. When managing West Brom, I noticed that the heights of players were never the same.. Akeel Higgins was 5’7 on one save, and 6 foot on another. Reyes Cleary was 5’6, 5’8 and 5’11 on separate saves. Bit odd seeing as that a players physical information shouldn’t be different at the start of saves? Is it a common bug across the whole game?

  3. West Brom -

    The finances at the start of the game don’t seem to match up to how they are in real life and seems a tad unrealistic. Starting balance is relatively healthy, when in real life it is not the case as we don’t have much cash in the bank and were almost relying on player sales to keep the club running day to day as the finances are so stretched. 

    The ownership status is also wrong. It states in game the owner is Enjoying/Loving life at the club, when in reality he is looking to sell and we are also in very early talks with a few parties.  Has been absent and also looking to sell up for quite a while now too so not sure why this hasn’t been reflected in game.

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