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Everything posted by AVB1980

  1. Thanks @Zachary Whyte
  2. Hi I've noticed two problems with training: 1. When delegated the Assistant Manager uses a schedule called "Pre-season early/mid/late". I assume this focuses on Fitness and Tactics? But this is not available as an option when taking control as manager. 2. During the season, when delegated, the AssMan only ever uses Attacking training...
  3. When training is set to AssMan, he is using "Pre-season" schedules - presumably focussed on fitness & tactics. But this isn't available to me?? I can only do Attack, Balanced, Defend, Technical & Set Pieces. Am I missing something??
  4. @Zachary Whyte - is there any word on whether negative transfer fund will feature in Touch?
  5. It's ok. It's a beta. This is why they do it - to identify these issues...
  6. I'm considering embarking on a head coach challenge for FM24, but I've got a few questions... How does DoF know players are surplus to requirements? Based on agreed playing time? Or planner? Will DoF actively transfer list players? Does Tech Director request additional staff if needed? Or does board just do this?
  7. @Zachary Whyte - no unfortunately not. When you say fixed - as in from a patch? Or it's just not happening moving forward from the date of the game? I stopped playing this time as soon as I noticed it.
  8. No problem! Hope it helps identify and resolve the issue
  9. Hey Zachary - I managed to find thesave file in my mac of the most recent one - please just run it on and watch the budget go up! Wetransfer link below. https://we.tl/t-OjMd77qdhw
  10. Hi @Zachary Whyte - if this issue is replicated, will it be resolved in this version of the game, or wait now until 2024 version?
  11. @Zachary Whyte - Ok - this has happened again. I'm pretty confident that it's related to loans with a mandatory purchase - the money for these seems to be added every month. I'm using a mac and have no idea how to connect to itunes (old man alert!). When I look for it in finder it takes me to the music app, when I go online for it, I've no idea what to do...Reproducing should be easy though just by doing a loan with a mandatory purchase...
  12. Hi Zachary - I think I know the problem. I'd already deleted previously saves hence not uploaded. However am playing again with Bournemouth and the issue has not occurred. The big difference is I have not sold any players with instalment fees. Previously the issue always happened to me from January after doing this, so I wonder if there is an issue with this calculation?
  13. It wasn't just January! It started in January, then went on and on every month with increases, as described by the other guys. I thought that maybe I'd missed a notification, but it became quickly apparent that it was every month...
  14. Hi - I've started 2 games (one pre, one post update). Both with Tottenham. On both after first January transfer window, transfer budget kept increasing, unexplainedly! Have reported on bugs forum, but nothing seems to actually be happening to resolve. Really want to play the game, but this kills it...is anyone else getting this with other teams?
  15. Will there be any further updates, or will this just be picked up for the next version of the game?
  16. I've played games of FM, with Tottenham from before and after the latest patch and have noticed that after the opening of the January transfer window my transfer budget keeps going up and up! I've checked thoroughly and it's definitely not the result of instalment clauses...
  17. This has got worse since the update. Trying to play LLM, but these are still returning after 2-3 days, but now with no reports. I've set them to look for any position 2.5 current stars, and every few days a report comes back saying no players found, no near misses, none in progress...totally game-breaking.
  18. Whenever I set a recruitment focus, the results come back in 2-3 days and I have to restart it to continue to search - this rate of return seems far too fast? I've tried this on 3 saves and the same thing has happened, so I don't think it's unique to my game.
  19. Hi Dxtr! Essentially tactics, transfers and match engine are the same. For me this is 90% of the game! What is missing is player interactions, significantly reduced press interactions, reduced staff engagement (only 5 members of staff) and team training is simplified. I personally prefer the touch style version as the key elements are still there, without the micromanagement, which frankly is easy to "game" to artificially increase morale. My guess is that the "touch" version on apple arcade will be very similar to the console version, so if you have access to an apple device, you can try this for one month to compare it to the full fat game. Hope this helps!
  20. Or, if it's not worth 5 pounds per month to you, you can choose not to. I was really frustrated last year as a mac & iPad user, that wanted to play FM Touch, that there was no option. Now there is an option, I need to make a decision whether the 5 quid is good value for me. I think if I compare it to other subscriptions, on an hourly basis, it's looking very good! Ideally, yes, I'd pay 30 quid and buy it for the year, but there's not enough users like us to make that a viable option for SI. I'm just glad there is the option and for the $ per hour, I think it's the best money i';ll spend all year!
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