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Issue Comments posted by AVB1980

  1. 6 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hi, we've tested your save and this appears to be fixed.

    If possible, do you have a save from before this issue starts to happen? This will help us run further tests.

    @Zachary Whyte - no unfortunately not. When you say fixed - as in from a patch? Or it's just not happening moving forward from the date of the game? I stopped playing this time as soon as I noticed it.

  2. 2 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hi, we've still been unable to reproduce this issue internally.

    Can we ask, do you mean the mandatory future fee is added in instalments, or the full amount every month?

    I.E, if the fee is £10m, are you receiving £10m every month, or £1m for 10 months?

    Hey Zachary - I managed to find thesave file in my mac of the most recent one - please just run it on and watch the budget go up! Wetransfer link below.


  3. On 06/04/2023 at 19:16, Zachary Whyte said:

    Like said above we have been unable to reproduce internally.

    We will need save files investigate further, to do so:

    1) Connect your device to iTunes.
    2) Scroll down the main navigation panel and go to File Sharing.
    3) Football Manager 2023 Touch.
    4) We can't go into individual folders to extract specific files, instead we have to extract the entire folder. Click the folder containing the file you want (games) and click save at the bottom of the panel.
    5) Choose a location on your computer to extract this. Please ensure there isn't already a folder with the same name in the same place, and click save to.
    6) You can now browse that folder on your PC and access the files as normal.
    7) Upload the save to our cloud base: https://oc.sigames.com/owncloud/index.php/s/Kzvhd0MdU3v4Nv4

    @Zachary Whyte - Ok - this has happened again. I'm pretty confident that it's related to loans with a mandatory purchase - the money for these seems to be added every month. I'm using a mac and have no idea how to connect to itunes (old man alert!). When I look for it in finder it takes me to the music app, when I go online for it, I've no idea what to do...Reproducing should be easy though just by doing a loan with a mandatory purchase...

  4. On 06/04/2023 at 19:16, Zachary Whyte said:

    Like said above we have been unable to reproduce internally.

    We will need save files investigate further, to do so:

    1) Connect your device to iTunes.
    2) Scroll down the main navigation panel and go to File Sharing.
    3) Football Manager 2023 Touch.
    4) We can't go into individual folders to extract specific files, instead we have to extract the entire folder. Click the folder containing the file you want (games) and click save at the bottom of the panel.
    5) Choose a location on your computer to extract this. Please ensure there isn't already a folder with the same name in the same place, and click save to.
    6) You can now browse that folder on your PC and access the files as normal.
    7) Upload the save to our cloud base: https://oc.sigames.com/owncloud/index.php/s/Kzvhd0MdU3v4Nv4

    Hi Zachary - I think I know the problem. I'd already deleted previously saves hence not uploaded. However am playing again with Bournemouth and the issue has not occurred. The big difference is I have not sold any players with instalment fees. Previously the issue always happened to me from January after doing this, so I wonder if there is an issue with this calculation?

  5. On 27/03/2023 at 15:38, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello, @AVB1980 

    We have tested the issue with nearly 4 seasons with Tottenham. No budget increase was observed without reason.

    In the first season, when the January Transfer window opens, a message is received in the Inbox that the board is making extra funds available due to the improvement in the club finances.

    @Duggs Please can you send us your Tranmere save file so we can investigate further, to do so:

    1) Connect your device to iTunes.
    2) Scroll down the main navigation panel and go to File Sharing.
    3) Football Manager 2023 Touch.
    4) We can't go into individual folders to extract specific files, instead we have to extract the entire folder. Click the folder containing the file you want (games) and click save at the bottom of the panel.
    5) Choose a location on your computer to extract this. Please ensure there isn't already a folder with the same name in the same place, and click save to.
    6) You can now browse that folder on your PC and access the files as normal.
    7) Upload the save to our cloud base: https://oc.sigames.com/owncloud/index.php/s/Kzvhd0MdU3v4Nv4

    It wasn't just January! It started in January, then went on and on every month with increases, as described by the other guys. I thought that maybe I'd missed a notification, but it became quickly apparent that it was every month...


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