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21 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. Workaround: Staff responsabilities make sure Handles Team Selection is not delegated to any of your staff (1st option) and restart the game should solve the issue
  2. i actually did a test with a crap player into barça because my viewers were saying all their new players we're getting beasts personalities and this pictures and clip show that it is indeed an issue https://clips.twitch.tv/BoredLachrymoseLapwingBatChest-OunPpnkSxBNBiz-w
  3. This as to do with the welcoming period into the club, everytime you sign a player (youngsters) the player that greets him in a period between 2-3 months will affect that player personality into their own personality. All of you check the player that you used to do the welcome greet into the club and check their personality/determination and you will see it is similar
  4. for some reason i can't edit the topic, it's obvious i wanted to say offside
  5. At 90+2 disallowed goal when the player was clearly in and the offside player as no interference with the play (pkm included in the attachments)
  6. Me and some of my viewers noticed a weird bug with ongoing focus assignments, after the 1st list of players he recommends the ones that suit the criteria of the assignment and restarts automaticly with a 2nd list of different players but it never recommends any other player from further scouts even thought they match the criteria and it's always looping the recommendation of the ones done in the 1st list even without selecting the include results from other focuses. On the pictures below, you can see the list ongoing of that assignment the criteria and a player from it that totally matches the criteria but that player will never be recommended because of that bug. I've lost tons of awesome players cause of that bug. This only happens on ongoing task and after the 1st list/assignment
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