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Posts posted by tmc269

  1. 51 minutes ago, Experienced Defender said:

    As I already said in my first reply to you, I fear that the only way to get some more meaningful help (advice) with the kind of problem you are having is to create/open a separate thread/topic, where you will (again) explain your problem and post screenshots not only of the tactic but - preferably - also of your players' profiles. When I face ultra-defensive opposition that is difficult to break down, I make tweaks during the course of the match based on what I see. Because I don't have a magic formula that I apply to each single situation. In my Man Utd save, there are a lot of teams that play very defensively against us. In most cases I do manage to break them down, but I know my team, I analyze the opponent, watch the match carefully and adjust the tactic accordingly. And btw, I use a pretty much different system from yours.

    Fair comment, I suspected that it wouldn’t be as much as it’s a x problem do y solution. I know I’m not the most adept at reading what the match engine gives me and it’s something I need to improve on. 

    Once again I appreciate the help you’ve already gave me, I’ll try to implement some of the ideas you’ve already gave me and see if that remedy’s the issue I’m having. I am reluctant to post a whole topic about it because it’s not my tactic. 

  2. 15 minutes ago, Experienced Defender said:

    How exactly you should play - and what you could try - always depends on the type of players you have, i.e. what they are capable of. The problem is that I don't know your players, so any suggestion I might give you could prove to be wrong in some way. I can only give you some general idea as to what you can try, but take it with a pinch of salt. For example:

    TMsu      AF


    Wat     DLPde     BBM      IWsu


    WBsu      CDde    CDde      WBsu


    Positive mentality (instead of attacking) / shorter passing, higher tempo, play out of defence, (slightly) narrower width, be more expressive, underlap left, overlap right, hit early crosses / counter, distribute quickly to CBs and FBs / much higher DL, higher LOE, prevent short GKD

    Player instructions:

    - all 4 midfielders to mark tighter

    - both strikers and BBM to close down more (max)

    - AF to stay wider

    - BBM to get further forward

    - IWsu to take more risks (if he has good passing, vision, technique, first touch and at least decent decisions and anticipation)

    Again, without knowing your players, all this is just my speculation. Maybe 442 simply isn't an ideal formation for your team? Maybe you should try something different (4141dm wide for example)? Really don't know.


    I appreciate you don’t know the fully know the system or the players, but the tactic does work for them we’ve played well and got results against Juventus Napoli and both Milan’s. 

    What I’m asking is what would people advise I do against teams that I’m better than, that camp ten men in the box and are impossible to break down. I appreciate the input you’ve given and it’s really thought out but rather than wholesale changes to the system is there not an team instruction or instructions that I could change or maybe tinker with the players that would break them down. 




  3. 1 hour ago, Experienced Defender said:

    Game suggestions are sometimes right, but sometimes not really. So looking at a player's attributes and traits (in some cases footedness as well) is something I would highly recommend. And I am not talking only about these two players (AF and BBM), but in general. 


    Well, if you want to replicate a certain RL manager/tactical style, then you should manage a team that has suitable players for that style. Maybe your team has suitable players, but the replication is not quite correct? Impossible to say anything for sure based on the info you provided.

    In fairness we have been successful using the tactic it mirrors what I want to see in a compact pressing system, but getting back to my original question, based on the question asked, how would you recommend breaking down opposition based on the tactic Im using with the instructions on using. 

  4. 13 minutes ago, Experienced Defender said:

    I like the changes you made in relation to these 2 roles :thup: Btw, how do you assess the suitability of players for a certain role? Do you look at their attributes and traits, or simply follow what the game suggests?

    What I don't like about this tactic are certain instructions:

    - extremely urgent pressing coupled with a high-risk mentality is a (defensively) very risky overkill, especially in combination with a much higher d-line and in a system with none in DM. So I would immediate reduce pressing to default and d-line to just higher

    - one-dimensionality on the flanks (both fullbacks and both wide midfielders have the same role and duty - FB and winger respectively). Add some variety (for example, one winger can be changed to an IW). 

    I cannot comment on the rest of instructions because I don't know what particular style of football you want to play. I can only ask a couple of questions for you to explain:

    - why "be more disciplined"?

    - why narrow att width?

    - why narrow def width?

    - why focus play down the flanks

    - why work ball into box?

    I don't say that any of these is wrong, just curious to know the reasoning behind using them.

    I will admit i did look at the game suggestions but it seems to have payed of the advanced forward was the league top scorer with 19, barrella is the bbm so he definitely had the attributes for the box to box I want more up and down to contribute further forward more than what the Carrillo offers.


    As to the majority of the questions I didn’t make the tactic but due to it being Sacchi inspired I believe he aims for compactness so that’s why width is narrow and the defensive line is high. Also i believe Sacchi was keen at pressuring the opposition. The play out wide I toggle depending on what I see, if they double my wide men I take it off.

    You suggesting it’s to much the same down the flanks would be correct, but they have inside forward preferred moves, so they do cut inside and offer something different allowing the fullbacks to overlap. 

  5. 8 minutes ago, Experienced Defender said:

    You should first create a separate thread and post a screenshot of your tactic there, so that people can analyze the tactic and give you some advice. 

    Sorry I thought it was a stupid question, one that maybe had been covered before, and was wondering if anyone had advice or tips, I’m using this https://medium.com/armchair-gaffer/small-tweaks-matter-5ac8d48c9e60 tactic, don’t worry I haven’t just plug and played it, I do watch the games, just struggling with the Aforementioned issue and can’t work out how best to combat it. 

  6. Wonder if i could get some help with some problems I'm encountering in my save at the moment.

    My first problem is with my fullbacks and support defenders not tackling the opposition winger at the byline rather jockeying them and ultimately letting them skip by and square the ball across the six yard box.

    Secondly i play two midfielders, one on the dmc strata (anchor), the other on the mc strata (b2b). when defending against big teams they have a tendency to drop really deep into the 18 yard box,almost becoming center backs, which invariably leads me to conceded goals from shots from 18 yards.

    would appreciate and responses.

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