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Posts posted by kewlprawn

  1. Well your subjects have nothing to do with this topic really. So might be better creating your own thread and talking about the system you use etc. Because screenshots and videos mean little without proper context to them.

    i'm doing counter attacking too.

    wondering why my players are letting in those goals instead of trying for a tackle


    my left WM(A) has pi to cut inside, sit narrower and cross less (his crossing attribute is not good)

    wanna play him like an inside forward and come back defend at the same time.

  2. i realised that, my players always contain the opponent and don't tackle which always leads to a goal.

    look at this.


    my midfield just follow the player all the way into my own penalty box, giving him the chance to shoot and score. my 2 defenders just move away.

    is this a bug or something wrong with my tactic?

    yes they were playing 442 narrow diamond. how do i deal with that? do i increase the width to counter their fb?

  3. i'm playing chelsea

    and i got lewandoski

    anyone can tell me why my striker won't score so often? newcastle cisses scored an average of 1goals/game for the epl


    instructions are

    pass shorter/direct, work ball into box, play out of defense, pass to space

    hassle opponent, mark tighter, push higher up, more expressive, roam

    is it because there's too many instructions?

    normally i have lots of shots but my players can't finish and it will either shoot out or to the keeper

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