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19 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Would be great to have more information about squad rules. I'd like to have the 'i' circle icon next to each row in the totals panel at the top. Then hovering over the information icon provides a breakdown of who is included in each row (for example a list of only homegrown players). Another squad registration rule that needs fleshing out is Non-EU signings in Italy. You get an email saying you can sign one new non-eu player + another if you sell a non-eu player. It would be great to have some feedback in the squad registration screen that indicates if you have used that AND who it was used on. It seems simple to just remember if you've signed a non-eu player or not, however it's unclear if a player who turns 22 who has been in your squad for a couple of years (who will now need to be registered) will take up that spot or if they took up that spot before they turned 22. There are some other complications too. I signed a player in November of one season with his joining date set as 'end of season (Italy)' knowing that I'd used my allocation for the current year but didn't want to miss out on him, when he signed at the end of the season I was unable to register him for the upcoming season. I have no way of knowing if that's a bug or me misunderstanding the rules, more feedback in the registration screen would help to clarify this.
  2. Clicking the 'Available first team players for B Team match' email causes the game to freeze almost every time. Sometimes I am able to click something else and wait, eventually it will load the new page, sometimes its frozen for good and I have to end the task in task manager. Weirdly, when I end task I see that FM24 updates and shows the 'this game isn't saved are you sure you want to close' modal or whatever it says quickly before the application closes. I saved the game just before a couple of emails arrive that includes the B Team email in question. If you click 'next unread' to load the B Team email it is usually fine, if you click the email directly it is likely to freeze. Similarly if the email is marked as read and you click into it its ok, but clicking off of it can cause a freeze. I'm managing Atalanta in Serie A, year 2035. Maybe notable that in the schedule the matches in question are U23 whereas they are sometimes referred to as B Team? Save file attached.
  3. Perhaps I don't understand the rules but I can't see any reason why my player, Ez Abde, does not need to be registered. I've never had to register him to use him in La Liga games, he's a 24 year old Moroccan, he's not homegrown and the registration rules don't explain why he's exempt. However if I check 'does not need to be registered' in the registration view he disappears and sure enough, I'm able to play him. Maybe he is exempt for some reason but I can't work it out so it seems like a bug. (this bug has been really helpful in meeting registration rules so I don't mind if you don't fix it)
  4. I signed a player on a free transfer/end of contract deal. I've attached a screenshot of the confirmation email which notes the 'Offered contract' includes a wage of "£125k p/w". A few in game days later and I want to check how much I've offered so I go to Transfers, click the arrow next to his name to see the transfer details but now the deal shown is different. In fact its showing a 5 month deal from the January window (when I offered him an end of contract deal) until the next window. So in "Offered Contract" it is showing "Jan 2026 - Jun 2026" with incorrect financial details, but in the Transfers screen it correctly says "Joins 1/7/2026". I've attached the save file, I'm referring to Sergej Milinković-Savić. The confirmation email should still be in the Inbox.
  5. I have always found it frustrating that the salary limit information in Squad Registration is not exact. This issue can be seen clearly in the first two screenshots attached. I am under the £1M p/w salary limit, the UI says I use "£1M) until I add Ez Abde at which point I am over (as expected - this is just for illustration) but it still says I am using "£1M" of my £1million allocation. When flipped this is really frustrating, lets say you've got to cut the salary down to meet registration requirements, its super unclear how much you actually need to cut off to register everybody. I have to use trial and error to find out who needs to get cut, by unchecking people until it goes green, then look at what they get paid and see if I can reduce some salaries to meet the requirements. I would like to be able to see the exact spending / available amounts so it is clearer what I need to do. Would be fine to just hover over the progress bar and see more information or have the little 'i' circle icon for more info if it seems overkill to have exact spending in there. It would also be helpful to have the next season projected salary limit in that tooltip (I'd be happy with something like the 3rd screenshot). When signing players on a free in January its extremely difficult to know what your salary limit will be next season so some suggestion would be great. Appreciate there are some factors that won't be confirmed until the end of the season but to be honest I'm not 100% how its decided so would be great to have this broken down somewhere. Maybe you'd need to have 'next seasons minimum guaranteed allowance' and then a 'projected allowance based on current financial performance'. A similar issue arises when adding players to a training camp squad. I have a max of 40 players allowed but it doesn't tell me how many I've currently selected. Would like to have add the selected number before the slash "39 / Maximum squad size of 40 players".
  6. The squad planner panel in an email that you get at the end of the season has a max-height on it that makes it really frustrating to use. I have all that space available below it, I should be able to see 5-6 rows of players in the list but the panel has a limited height on it that means I can only see 2 rows of players and there a bunch of unused space at the bottom of the panel. This is an issue in a few emails but I haven't screenshotted them. Playing this game on an ultrawide (3440 x 1440px - Zoom in (125%)) can be frustrating because panels are limited in size, presumably for smaller screens, and I'm left with massive unused areas of the screen and frustratingly small panels. Another example, although not an email is the team selection panel. Loads of space either side but I have columns that are hidden behind a horizontal scrollbar.
  7. Please add a button to allow us to add all of the players from one of these (or any similar) awards to an existing or new shortlist when we receive the email each year. Alternatively let us change the view so that we can see a list of all players, similar to the scouting screens, then we can mass select players and add them to a shortlist using the right click menus.
  8. Is MLS just generally not worth playing? Seems to be a bit messed up across the board. On a positive note I simmed to next season and all the drafts worked. The Superdraft had ~150 players and the waiver/re-entry drafts had between 10-30 players.
  9. I didn't want to post this in bugs without asking around first... I've had MLS loaded as a playable league for an in-game year or so, just joined New York Red Bulls in December, when the draft arrived in January there were only 6 players available. Is this going to be an issue when the next superdraft comes around in a years time? Anyone else experienced something like that and know how to solve it?
  10. Can you please make the Squad salary update to be an exact representation of the salary, instead of updating every £25k. In the first screenshot I have Kiko Femenia in the squad, second he is removed. It says I am using £800k of the £825k allocation in both. He gets paid £15k p/w. When most players in the squad are on below £60k p/w it's really difficult to understand how much space you actually have and who needs to be removed/added to make things work.
  11. I attended England vs Germany world cup semi final to see that the England squad was real players but Germany squad is all fake names. I'm using real players and a large database. The real German players all exist at their clubs / the fake German players do not have clubs and aren't available for purchase at a club level.
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