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Posts posted by Jegpeg

  1. No killer through balls isn't necessarily worse for example if the player was a poor passer then they would constantly be giving the ball away and you have to work hard to break a habit

    I posted in translations issues and they agreed it is badly worded.

    Definition of killer (the one I think most appropriate in this context, taken from dictionary.com)

    highly effective; superior

    If you are a poor passer than you do not make highly effective though balls. You may attempt to make them but if you constantly give the ball away it can hardly be described as highly effective (killer)

    If the word killer wasn't there it would be fine (though Herbert's suggestion of putting in attempting makes it even clearer)

  2. How do you train yourself to be worse? He must have been working damn hard to do that ^

    In principle it can be done, simply by the wrong sort of training, for example I knew an olympic swimmer who had to be careful what cross training they did because building up the wrong muscle groups would make them slow. I could see for example doing a lot of weights work might make you stronger but reduce your pace or stamina.

    Though I'm not sure how it applies to skills such as though passes.

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