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coach vahid

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  1. I would like to know if you can share your set-up, your experience, how you scouting for "decent players for the roles".
  2. It's a private thing. Something I'm not proud of. But I like how I would imagine it if it were reality. My reality. First of all, the youngsters in your academy. I like to think of it as "no roles, no homework", just working and working on the fundamentals. You can't say that a 15-year-old winger won't be our future winger 3 years later. Perhaps adding a focus on individual training on a 3 month rotation on physical attributes, technical attributes and mental attributes might be an interesting thing For my first team, the most interesting thing will be to focus training on how I want my players to play. How can you imagine a team that doesn't work the way it organizes its defense or attack? We divide into 2 sections: - what we do when we don't have the ball (pressing...) - what we do when we have the ball (take our time...) For individual training, just their roles. I don't imagine all the players work after their training sessions. I used another one more focused on progression even for the first team. I imagine it when I'm more focused on an "academy save" If this can help in your thinking. I used the FM workout planner to support my point. Thanks to its creator, of course.
  3. There are as many coaches as there are ways of seeing training. The results will depend on several variables. The infrastructures, the coaches, the results, the players (personnality, harmony in squad...) and many others stuff. You can imagine how you want your players develop. Maybe more physical, maybe more technical or on mental. You can imagine how you want your team play. Maybe if your want to play out defense or work ball into box , using the adequat sessions will help. Of course, it's not forbidden to push developpement hard. But if your players can't train because, injured, it will be complicate that they progess.
  4. If i may... You just have to copy. There's no players instructions. On FM 22, i took a lot of pleasure with this tactic.
  5. For the double pivot : CM def and DLP su or more conservative DLP def and CM su... Inverted Wingers on each side : - On attack next to the CM su and Wingback on defend behind. - On support next to the CM def and Wingback on attack behind. Just an idea of course.
  6. It's just theory but for me in this style of play you will have pay attention to the set pieces more than usual. The forwards need to be hard working and i will prefer using pressing forward on the front. Good luck. 🙂
  7. Sorry @Cloud9, but where do you find these stats ? I'm interested.
  8. If i may, for me there's a little problem. If i play with a WB at i prefer the defend duty on midfield on his side for cover. You can try, if your players can, using the bwm def on left and b2b on right. More dynamic. The idea is not bad to put your midfield on dm position. You can play with a dm def on the left and a sv su on the right. For the team instructions i have no idea. Maybe change tempo to normal.
  9. If i may, it's a setup that i tried a lot. But i will change the dlp-def with a support duty ( @Cloud9 will explain better than me the reason behind this choice when you play with a cm-at ). When i played with defensive duty on dm position, i passed the wing black on the left on attack duty.(But my If is on support duty). Maybe two Bpd are a little too much and one as simply CD on defend can help you too.
  10. Hi... You better post your thread on the tactic/training section.
  11. I'm sorry... But i can't understand why theses instructions and not others.Or the most important is definitely your players ( attributes, roles, traits...) ?
  12. Great writing. Good choice for the color. I hope to see more.
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