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39 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. It's annoying isn't it. I'm playing FM23 and it still happens randomly. I've done a search and I'm not aware of any fixes. Perhaps someone who is playing 24 can tell us if it happens in that version.
  2. Interesting experiment. I assume the replacements you brought in for scenario 1 were of a much lower standard? I agree with your conclusion. The trick in my experience is to always renew contracts of your good players so they have at least two years remaining. Then you can ignore the complaining:-). It helps when your manager rep and discipline is higher also.
  3. So further to this in case anyone is interested. Neither low ambition or PA seem to be the reason for refusal (I checked with a third party utility and one of my refusing coaches has Ambition 16 and CA126/PA186). It does seem to happen more with coaches under 30. But, if you wait about 18 months they will usually accept (you need to wait three months between requests for the option to reappear).
  4. Thanks all for the replies. Interesting to learn that football coaches can be workshy like the rest of us :-).
  5. I'm still playing 23 so i'd be interested to know if this is the same on 24? In my current save I've found that any 4 star coach who is prepared to join my club wants ridiculous wages, so, I've been hiring younger coaches with room to develop. I've found that often they will refuse to take a coaching course, the board message is something like 'although your suggestion makes perfect sense coach X has no interest in taking a coaching course'. I mean, really? You've just started a new job and your employer wants to pay for you to improve your career prospects. You refuse of course:-). I've always been convinced that the devs put certain things in the game just to annoy people! Which to be fair I'd probably do myself:-).
  6. I'm still playing FM23. The suggested training will change one unit, just before the match it refers to. If you are the underdog it will add something like 'defending disengaged' and if you are the favourite perhaps ' attacking shadow play' . These replace units already selected for that match only.
  7. Yes you are right, for mentoring the players must be in the same squad. The benefit was to avoid hiring youth/reserve coaches because my club does not have much money.
  8. Thanks very much for the reply. I hadn't thought about rest before/after matches. And if yth development is compromised it would be a false economy. I think I'd better hire some youth coaches after all!
  9. I'm managing in Poland and my club has an under 19 team and a second team in addition to the main squad. Rather than recruit extra coaches for the youth sides I've added all the young players to first team training. This means that I can set up mentoring more easily. Provided I have enough coaches to keep the first team workload light enough, this seems a no brainer for me. Is there any downside to this that Im missing? I wondered if the coaching youngsters attribute is isignificant? I do have a HOYD with a model pro personality. Thanks for any thoughts.
  10. This so true in my experience. I play LL, you bring a free transfer in on trial, there is no interest apart from your club on his transfer screen. As soon as you offer a contract every other bugger wants him!
  11. Good read. I also have no-one in my squad above regular starter. Straight after the last match of the season I go through my players and adjust starting time. If they complain I use the 'there is a lot of competition in your position' option. As you mention, many players are fine with that, particularly when your rep/discipline is higher. The ones that spit the dummy I've found almost always drop the issue before the next season begins, so you don't have an unhappy player for an important fixture.
  12. You can check your manager reputation percentage on your profile. Compare it to that of the manager who is favourite for the job or of the sacked manager. If your rep is lower you're unlikely to get the position. When applying for overseas jobs you need a higher rep than the candidate from that country. These are the guidelines I folow when playing the pentagon challenge. As Bitner says the buyout can stop you getting an interview also, but if you want to gamble you can resign your current job.
  13. From my experience, no. Scouts you can hire are poor at this level. Either filter yourself players or if you play with attribute masking offer trials. I imagine you already knew this. Although, it's what you enjoy. Just using scouts can be fun. My board keeps refusing an affiliate too (I'm stll on FM23).
  14. The geographically appropriate league for Guiseley at Level 10 is Northern Counties East Div 1. The Western League is Devon/Cornwall. This is a useful website NonLeagueMatters
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