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14 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Bit of a strange one for you Knap, what tactic of yours would you suggest produces the highest average ratings for your players rather than overall team success? I'm winning loads of games pretty much regardless of what I use but the player ratings sometimes barely even crack 6.8 and even in your screenshots having a player of De Bruyne's quality only get a 7.15 over the season is seriously immersion breaking for me. Is this just something to put up with as a consequence of the player rating rework from a few FMs back? I don't mind finishing even 3-4 places below where I usually would as long as my players are actually getting good ratings, having endless 1-0s and 2-0s with crap ratings is a real bummer for me. Last year just playing with a lower tempo had a massive effect on ratings for me with some of them going up by 0.3-0.4 over the course of the season despite the team not doing as well i.e finishing 3rd rather than 1st with Atalanta, but it hasn't had any effect this year as far as I can tell.
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