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643 "The Dude abides"


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    Brazilian newgen

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  1. There really is a big difference and the position of AML instead of ML could harm the player
  2. The point is precisely that these options should not exist. In real football this doesn't exist. If you intend to simulate something, you need to pay attention to the details to get closer to reality.
  3. Ok. Now tell me where is the realism when the manager asks the player back because I used the player in the AML position instead of ML even though he was in the required role. Show me a situation where this happened in real football.
  4. I had a player on loan and was using him as IW in the position agreed in his loan contract and respecting his playing time. However, this contract also required (I don't know why or why this is necessary) that he play as a Winger instead of IW. His team's coach caught my attention because I wasn't using his player in the best way, as he was doing very well as an IW, I said that it didn't matter since he was playing. The coach got angry and asked the player back. I am unable to cancel the option of not letting the original team ask for the player back, I am obliged to put in a position and ROLE that the GAME forces me to do. SI needs to review these interactions and the way in which the contract, especially the loan contract, is drawn up. Immersion in FM 24 is completely ridiculous due to these problems generated by interactions.
  5. This happens to me quite often Now for example I lost 3 consecutive matches with the AI having 80-90% success in offensive actions. And my team with wasted opportunities and an average of 3 balls on the post
  6. One of the most ridiculous and annoying things in FM is when you try to sign a player who has been without a club and without offers for months, but when you offer a contract, out of nowhere several interested teams appear and offer a proposal too. And in the end, I end up losing the player to a team that offered less salary and a lower status.
  7. It's okay to admit that you are using the Daveincid realism mod. (joke)
  8. No. My team created more chances and didn't score.The opposing team only created one chance in a set piece
  9. I don't care much about it either. But if I hadn't exceeded expectations, this could have harmed the morale and confidence of the fans, creating pressure on the management.
  10. Serious? My team was tipped to be relegated to the 4th division and in two seasons I achieved promotion that was never considered. Now I'm in the second division, far from the relegation zone, but the fans are upset because I only won 2-1? There is no other game against Hansa.
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