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  1. The tactic is okay for playing possession football. The only problem I see in Team Instructions is you could have Wide Width instead of Balanced Width and Underlap instead of Overlap. Wide Width because you have Play Through Middle and with Wide Width you would stretch the play wide to open space in the centre for the striker. With Balanced Width the ball is played half the time to the centre and half the time to the flanks and when the ball is played directly to the centre that space is already crowded. Underlap because you are using Inverted Full-Backs. Another thing that is maybe a problem is the Wingers in Attack duty. They are receiving the ball when the opposition defence is already crowded because of the Slow Tempo and then because of the Dribble More and Attack Mentality, they would run to the byline and have to create chances for themselves and other players alone. You could either use Dribble Less Team Instructions or change to the Wingers Support Duty to isolate them less from the rest of the team. If you want the AMs to score change them to Shadow Striker or Attacking Midfielder with Attack Duty and Move into the Channels. This would make them attack the gap between the Full-Back and the Centre-Back. Attack Duty AMs are actually good with Short Passes and Slow Tempo because since they come from behind they often give an element of surprise inside the box and are often not picked by the defenders.
  2. Playing passes from your defence directly to your attack can be achieved by manipulating how the team passes the ball with different instructions. Cross Ball Deep is to cross from the Midfield(2nd/3rd of the Pitch) and Cross Ball Byline is to cross from the Attack(3rd/3rd of the Pitch). It is a specific type of pass. Through Ball only serves to passes that make the attackers bet a race with the defenders. It is a specific type of pass. Direct Passing only increases the passing range that the player is "allowed" to try but other factors influence passing. The last 3 passes are side passes to maintain possession, vertical passes to create goal chances, and "hoof the ball" or clearance to keep the goal safe. To increase vertical passes you need Quick Tempo and to increase side passes you need Slow Tempo. To increase clearances you need Less Creative Freedom and to decrease you need More Creative Freedom. Defensive mentalities increase clearances and reduce vertical passes. Attacking mentalities increases vertical passes and reduces clearances. By manipulating these instructions you can influence the types of passes that are more likely to happen between all these types of passes. It is contradictory but to play passes from your defense directly to your attack you need to play with Quick Tempo and More Creative Freedom or Positive+ Mentality instructions. Quick Tempo increases Vertical Passes while More Creative Freedom decreases Clearances. Attacking Mentalities does both at the same time. If you use Quick Tempo and Less Creative Freedom the player will play vertical passes but also clear the ball forward more often. Most of the time when you see the defender playing the ball long he is not actually passing to a specific player. He is just removing the ball from danger. Sometimes you can win the second ball in the midfield and begin an attack from the midfield but this just gives the ball back to the other team most of the time. In FM2012 you could do this to a Full-Back: Low Mentality and High Creative Freedom. This would make the Full-Back stay deep but when he has the ball, he would only play forward passes. To achieve this now you need to Counter- Mentality and More Creative Freedom but this would increase the entire team's Creative Freedom so it is a bit clunky. The last part is the direction of the pass. You can control with either Play Through Middle or Play Through Flanks. Play Through Middle to pass to the Central Strikers. Play Through Flanks to pass to Wingers. With Play Through Flanks you will see the Full-Back inverting the ball with diagonal passes to the free winger on the other flank half the time but playing a vertical pass to the same side winger the other half of the time. With only 1 flank selected the other side Full-Back will play diagonal ball and the same side will play vertical ball to the winger so again, it is a bit clunky.
  3. The closest thing to beautiful football in FM might be using short passing and wide width. You can achieve this with either: AM/STs in support roles and overlapping/underlapping full-backs and central midfielders in attack roles. All Players in Support Roles, Even with these instructions the majority of goals and assists will be with the AMs and STs. Roam from Position makes the player move toward the ball vertically in the attacking phase, it makes the attackers drop to the midfield(second third) when the ball is in the midfield and makes the midfielders enter the attack(final third) in the ball in attack. It makes the player move forward less(less penetration) and move toward the ball more(more support). In practice, it only works with either a support player with Roam from Position and an attack duty overlapping from behind or an attack duty player with Roam from Position. Again, the attackers(AM/ST) will have the majority of goals and assists. The fundamental problem is that players have a "glue" in them based on their position that makes them return to their position. Even if you give them attack duty they will eventually return to their position and this also happens to attackers. This naturally limits defenders' and midfielders' contributions to goals and assists compared to attackers. For example, Luizinho was a Central Defender. I think he scored a goal for Brazil in the 82 World Cup. He would overlap from the central defender position and appear in the box to score goals. In the old Tactic Creator you were free to customize everything, you could give defenders Very Attacking mentality and attackers Very Defensive mentality but giving full customization of all Player Instructions created problems for the AI and it was replaced by the individual roles that we have today. Hopefully, the next version that is coming will add new roles to the game to allow this type of football.
  4. You could play Narrow Width since you are playing Shorter Passing and High Tempo. If the players are too far apart they can't play those quick one-two passes. About the roles, you could try to change the roles of the DR/DL to Fullbacks because they would dribble less and focus on short simple passes to keep the ball flowing suiting the tactics more. The AML and STC both have Attack duties so they could both run into the same space when the team try to attack. Maybe you could change one of their roles to Support Duty. Your 2 CMs also have 2 support roles where they would both occupy the same space so the attack with Short Passing and Quick Tempo would stagnate because you do not have runners from behind. You could give them Get Further Foward Individual Instruction or maybe change the Role of the Advanced Playmaker Attack to Central Midfielder Attack. You could try changing the roles to CM-At AT-At with wide roles to Support or the AML/AMR Attack and the STC Support. Wide Roles on Support and Central on Attack, or the opposite. Maybe you could try to change the Formation without changing the roles. You could play a 4-4-1-1. Drop the wide AM and push the AP from CM to AM. Maybe this would solve the problem of the players occupying the same space without forcing them to play a role they can not play.
  5. The tactic seems fine. The idea appears to be to play direct football, steal the ball in middle and activate the strikers and the wingbacks. One problem I see is the number of attack roles the tactic has as a rule of thumb the maximum would be only 3 attack duties. It could have a problem against a low block because there is no space behind for everyone to run into. If you have problems against teams that defend deep you might try changing the striker role to Complete Forward or Deep-lying Forward on support duty or maybe dropping the mentality to standard so the position of the players is a bit deeper. Another potential problem would be the duties in the midfield because your tactic wants to steal the ball and activate the wingback and strikers but there is no duty to win the ball back. The Anchor-Man is a passive role so you might try changing to Ball-Winning Midfielder and the Central Defender role to Stopper. The wingbacks on attack duty might get overloaded in the flanks so you might try changing the role of the two Central Midfielders to Carrilero or Ball-Winning Midfielder.
  6. I tried recreating Fernando Diniz tactics. These are my interpretation on the match engine of some things that noticed about his tactics: - His teams takes an insane amount of tactical risk. In match engine terms, this would be translated into Attacking Mentality. The players move forward overloading the opposition defenders and also taking shots at the goal at the slightest opportunity. I think his teams were always the team with the statistics of the highest amount of shot on goal in the league. - The defenders and goalkeeper take a high offensive risk and refuse to hoof the ball even when they are pressed. This would be the More Creative Freedom Team Instruction. Attack duty players naturally have high Creative Freedom, More Creative Freedom instruction makes even Defend duty players have high Creative Freedom. This is like giving the Defend duty players the Tries to Play Way Out of Trouble Player Preferred move. It makes the defenders refuse to make clearances when pressed by the opposition. Also, Defend duty player will try to create chances when in attack in the final third. It essentially makes Defend duty a "Create Chances" Role. - His player dribbles with the ball a lot. Dribble More Team Instruction. Again this is more noticeable with Defenders who in other tactics avoid doing that but his Defenders carry the ball forward whenever there is space available in front of them. - His team like to create from the back. Much More Shorter Passing Team Instruction and Slower Tempo. The ball is slowly moved from the first third to the second third to, finally, the final third where the team will try to create chances. - Defensive Formation is a 4-4-2 and Team Fluidity is Very Fluid with one Poacher on Attack Duty and the rest of the team on Support Duty and put Get Further Forward Individual Instruction on every player Support Duty so as not to isolate the Striker. - Stay Wider Individual Instruction on the two central midfielders to create that X in the side of the field. - High Defensive Line, High Press, Much More Often I tried the tactic and is playing very fun football. I will probably decrease Team Mentality to Positive or Balanced to make the tactic more stable to get better results.
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