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Posts posted by daveygravy84

  1. 28 minutes ago, kevhamster said:

    That's about the right sort of price for an i7/4070 combo.  And I'd not agree with you being too old to stream or do Youtube seeing as you're younger than me, and I do both (albeit the Youtube isn't gaming stuff) :lol:


    You could save a little bit by swapping out the CPU to the 12th gen i7, which would still offer excellent performance.

    Cheers, I'm going to call them Wednesday and see what they can do for me.

  2. 3 minutes ago, kevhamster said:

    We don't have system specs for FM25 as yet - so a 4070 will be overkill for FM24, we can't really say with any degree of confidence re:  FM25.

    If you let me know your budget, I can have a look at what's around for you.

    I turned 40 over 2 years ago and I'm not stopping!!

    The systems I've been looking at are £1500 ish, then would need monitor etc, thinking of speaking to pc specialist. Good to hear, I do keeping thinking of streaming and YouTube but wonder if I'm a bit old for that now too haha

  3. Hi, after recently falling victim to an online scam, thought money had been sent so mailed my laptop only for no money, I want to get a new gaming pc, aslaptops tend to sound like they are about to take off. I'm looking at an i7 with a 4070 graphics card, is this over kill? Or better for future copies of fm? I'm turning 40 next week and wondering if it's time to hang up my tactics board?

  4. Hello guys and gal's 

    I've posted a few times over the years, however, this I find myself stuck. Really not feeling fc 24, so wanted to get back into fm. My only problem is I have no idea who to be or what to do.

    I have a silly thing about not being the team I support (West Ham) they just seem to do worse when I'm playing as them in a game.

    Anyone had any fun saves or fun ideas to get this almost 40 year old singleton back into his football games.

  5. 28 minutes ago, jackripper said:

    im finding my man utd save sort of easy but went on a 78 match unbeaten run in the league but aint won the champs league yet. my aim is to have a stadium named after me thats what keeps me going.

    Wow, that will take a long time, I've never had that myself

  6. I've recently got a new laptop and fm 2022, not played properly for a few years. I'm tempted by Barcelona and man utd saves, but are they too easy? From scanning through the forum no one has really touched barca, I see that as rebuilding the squad and trying to make the club solvent again. Man utd we all know what needs doing there, but are they easy saves or they something you can get stuck in with?

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