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Everything posted by OkMarius

  1. Initially he complained about playing time. No option to suggest a loan. Eventually he suggests it himself after I threaten about selling him, but there's no alternative for me to agree.
  2. Picking a player with no experience of leadership before, should in most cases (bar bad personalities) lead to an increase of his leadership attribute automatically. In real life people often have no prior experience of leading, and learn the ropes along the way. People who are loyal, determined and professional will strive to learn how to become good leaders, and will figure things out over time. So even if you start out with 8 or 9 in leadership, one should be able to pick them as captains based on them having good mental stats.
  3. So yeah title explains it. Why on earth isn't there an option to say you agree with him? I want to loan him out, yet none of the options are helpful in that direction.
  4. Hundreds, if not thousands of Scandinavians in the database don't understand English at even basic level - whereas IRL every single Norwegian, Swede or Dane under 30 years of age both speak and understand English. AT LEAST at a level where they can understand and express themselves in an adequate manner. It's really immersion-breaking when you sign someone, and you have to send them on a language course to learn English. All Scandinavian players should understand and speak English at near top fluency. Say 17 or 18 out of 20 points on average. All Norwegians, Swedes and Danes should also also master their respective neighbour's languages innately. The languages aren't that different. Instead of every researcher having to do this individually player by player (which clearly doesn't work) - the developers should add an innate ability for all Scandinavians (and dutch for that matter) to fluent or near-fluent ability of the English language. It should automatically happen for everyone, including newgens.
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