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37 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. Just a quick possible change you could make as I have also been trying to replicate the Diniz style but on FM21. I dont like the AF position at all. It encourages too many long balls. Instead I settled on the Poacher role. My poacher has the dwells on the ball PPM and although his passing isnt the best I find him to be holding up the attack and then laying off the ball to his comrades sprinting forward. He then moves into typical poacher positions drawing the defenders with him which allows the two wide men (IWa and T) to come into the middle and offer an alternative goal scoring threat. I also use a balanced approach and switch this to positive or cautious depending on the scoreline/aim of my match outcome. Great write up and really good follow ups!
  2. Do I have to do something special for the staff pics to show up? I see the newgan pics when I put them in the relevant folders but I never see the staff pics show. Absolutely amazing work your doing here! Really adds to these long term career games I play! Thank you so much!
  3. I don't use work the ball into the box option and I regularly have 70+% of possession. I mostly use a balanced or cautious approach with shorter passing and the standard tempo those mentalities offer. You could try removing the pass into space option and drop your mentality a notch to balanced. Your player roles look good, similar to what i use. Positive mentality for my team seems to lose us possession a bit over balanced or cautious. I go positive when I'm really looking for a goal, my primary aim is retaining possession and working the ball around waiting for an opening.
  4. I used the Newgan app with the files posted here FMUGens – Newgen Facepack FM23 *MEGAPACK DOWNLOAD! UPDATE PACK 3 RELEASED 21/03/2023* - View From The Touchline Think I changed a couple of names in the folders, basically adding 'n' to Scandinavian and South American so it matched the Zealand folders from that newgen pack. I dont use Zealands faces, just the generated ones from the link above. It all works fine.
  5. I feel there is a big difference in the way a Ws is used by the ME compared to a Wa. Ws is more patient, plays off a pass earlier and isnt hyper about beating his man and getting crosses in. Wa just seems too hard coded to always dribble wide and cross.
  6. Not really much to share, the positions are included in the first pic so just copy those and then add your teams style to it.
  7. I've been using a 4-1-4-1 that morphs to a 3-2-5. This has worked well for me on FM20, FM21 and FM22. I use it as my basic shape and change players depending on what I want. If I'm wanting a goal the DMd becomes a DLPs and the IWBs becomes IWBa. Its a very versatile formation and little changes can really change how it looks and plays. I can play for 70% possession or change it to a Counter and sit back letting the opposition play around. New project.mp4
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