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12 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. This is an unfixed bug from FM23 at the latest. There is validation when you exit the Finances tab when using the In-Game editor for a club. However, if the club has a "Gift Repayable On Departure" loan, or any other load with zero monthly repayment, the loan gets removed when exiting the Finances screen. This is particularly annoying as these are already pre-built in to the existing database, and there are no problems there, so clearly the validation in the In-Game Editor is too strict. It makes no sense to have a Monthly Repayment on a gift loan. Once the loan is lost, you cannot get it back or set it back to the original terms, that's if you know the amount the loan was for. Steps to reproduce: Start a new game --> Go to any club with a gift loan (Everton/Fulham) --> Open In-Game Editor --> Go to Finances Tab --> Close In-Game Editor --> Confirm that loan has been removed. Please fix.
  2. Re-downloaded and tried again, doesn’t work, that just sorts on the new column. I need it to sub-sort. I want 1st sort on position selected, and 2nd sort on position. I can see in your screenshot you only have a single sort column
  3. It’s kind of sad that game breaking bugs don’t get replies in here, yet “I want to change my manager’s appearance to wear a suit for the cup final” does. Priorities probably need sorting by staff. I’m 5 seconds in to FMT on Apple Arcade, accidentally removed the sort on position selected and sub sort on position. And now I can’t re-add a sub sort, because you can’t shift click on a MOBILE. If you can then I don’t know how because when you click preferences and it gives you Xbox controller controls… Because everyone games on their iPhone with an Xbox controller… What has actually been done to cater for mobile users? The UI has so much wasted space around the edges so all the data is bunched up in the middle, meaning every panel requires scrolling Also, when you click the manual button from inside the game, it opens a “Sorry this page does not exist” link. Seriously? Not impressed in the slightest. Love to know if any testers have actually tried this on mobile, especially considering a subscription is needed to play.
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