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11 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Thanks for the reply! I'll ask him to take less risks for a few games and see if there's a noticeable difference as I wasn't sure how much of his game that setting would impact. I'm enjoying the width & marauding runs but just not the end product, like everything though it's a balancing act between being overly safe & creating dangerous situations.
  2. Quick question regarding the full back on Attack duty and crossing in a possession based system. How do you curtail them from constantly trying to cross the ball instead of recycling possession. I'm using a possession heavy 4-2-3-1 with a FB (A) with the stay wider PI partnered with a IW (S) on my left flank, I'm finding the space opening up as planned for the full back but the player runs down the line and tries to get a fairly aimless cross away which seems a bit counter intuitive to the style. Is there a way to tone this down whilst maintaining the same width & forward running?
  3. Seems about right. If he tries something that doesn't come off the next time receives the ball he'll try something 10x harder to try and atone for it I think Ten Hag has alluded to this trait as well.
  4. August Wangberg is one hell of a name 😂 Good luck!
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