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Posts posted by Stookie

  1. Thanks for the tips man.

    I will probably follow his rules as well, it seems to be the more realistic way to play for a journeyman save. I might also delegate recruitment to director of football but I am not sure because I am afraid he will bring **** players…

    Managers, any great experience you had in a country not really well known for football? Any countries to recommend? 




  2. 1 minute ago, deaks500 said:

    All the major Euro leagues as playable plus a couple of smaller ones like sweden, scotland, poland and belgium, (always down to the bottom playable league) the rest i put on view only but depends on where you want to manage and you can add/take away leagues as you progress through your career.

    Day 1 for me is always look at the staff, you wont have many so you need them to cover as much as possible and try to get an assistant  with as high judge player ability rating as you can - for realism purposes, if you didn't want to search , place a job advert and hire the best person that applies.

    For recruitment Trials are key at lower level management rather than scouting as your unlikely to have money to throw around at your first club.

    And finally, for lower league management - always tracksuit manager - feels weird seeing managers in suites in the lower leagues lol

    Thanks fellow manager.

    I will start loading a lot of countries and will take away some when I'll be appointed to my new job. 

    When do you guys recommend to start? I read Oct/Nov is a good pick since some managers are getting sacked and you don't have to handle the pre-season stuff. 

    Please feel free to drop random tips/advice, I am trying to gather every relevant information I'm told.

    Thanks again

  3. 4 minutes ago, Smurf said:

    One of the hardest journeyman saves I had was starting in South America, Peru. 

    I wanted to work my way out of Peru, into Brazil, and then into Premiership.

    It took me 36 seasons. 

    When I got to Brazil the football never stopped, it was tournament after tournament after tournament. 

    I think I ended up leaving Brazil league, where I had taken 3rd division team to top tier winners on everything.

    Then eventually into Portugal, Germany, Italy and finally the premier league. 

    I was exhausted after the experience in Brazil though.

    This is exactly the adventure I am looking for. 
    Tell me something you realize you did wrong at the start/something that you would do better please

  4. 1 minute ago, deaks500 said:

    My top tip for a journeyman save is make sure your adaptability rating for your manager attributes are as high as it can be (obviously this will depend on on your coaching badges/past experience) particularly if you want to move around countries.



    I would like to start with no badge or football experience. If I boost my adaptability, won't the game be too easy?

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