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15 "You're a bum, Rock"


  • Biography
    Luton Town born and breed season ticket holder for as long as I can remember, been playing cm/fm since the very start. you new players really don't no the joy you have not having to playing this game via floppy disk's it was a chore to say the least.


  • Interests
    football,boxing,carp fishing, computer games

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  • Favourite Team
    Luton Town

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  1. Please can we have more options that actually represent the situation you are in, i am currently going to the wire as Sociedad and now have my whole squads moral destroyed because a player wants a new contract but I can not offer him one until we get the change in the weekly wage we are able to spend. We do not have enough options and present and its very frustrating to have things outside your control ruin a lot of hours of work.
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