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57 "Houston, we have a problem"

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    Brighton & Hove Albion

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    KRC Genk

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  1. The only thing I would add is that you do actually get a bit more than just the TV and prize money through the gate receipts. It's not game-changing for big clubs, but it's probably a good couple of million.
  2. It specifically says some of the bug fixes (as opposed to licensing/data updates) “may” require a new save.
  3. Thanks. The ** next to bug fixes says at the bottom that some of these may require a new save. I’d be keen for some more clarity from SI over which ones, and ideally which “will” require rather than “may.”
  4. I’d be interested to know from the patch notes a bit more info on which bug fixes might require a new save. I assume things like immediately removing all the duplicate contract clauses and previous increases to Determination, but it would be good to have a bit more clarity.
  5. At 14kb, probably updating in-game advertising or similar. Would expect SI to provide a notification and change list for anything affecting the game itself now we are post-launch.
  6. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? As someone who plans to jump around quite a bit in my save, this would be…. quite irritating, to say the least.
  7. This is literally entirely what Brighton do in real life, so not particularly unrealistic at all.
  8. You have to leave spaces in the squad if you can't meet the homegrown requirements. So, in your example, you're fine without Lawrence as although you've only got 5/8 players trained in Scotland registered, you have left 3 spaces in the squad of 25 (you've got 22 registered). Trying to register Lawrence, who is not homegrown, means you now only have 2 of the 3 spaces you need to leave and thus are not meeting the requirements.
  9. I noticed this in my save as well. Pretty sure the graph is mis-labelled, yes.
  10. The other thing that irritates me with the Data Hub is the incredibly simplistic analysis and plain faulty conclusions drawn. As an example, I’m often told my team are “shaky in defence,” despite having below-average figures for both actual and expected goals conceded. This appears to be because we are in the dreaded ‘red segment’ for low number of clearances and blocks. That’s not an indicator of a poor defence - it’s an indicator of one that doesn’t have much to do because the team generally dominates games.
  11. Ah, that is frustrating. Agreed that it is a bit of a deal-breaker.
  12. I'm not seeing this issue. Just loaded up a quick save with a Premier League team to check, and there's no rule that I can see relating to foreign players of any age being unable to play in games. Furthermore, the U21s have just played a game in which a foreign U21 player who is not registered for the first team squad played.
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