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110 "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"


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  1. I don't know as in, nobody at Sports Interactive has communicated the time in which the beta will release to me, however, I do hear things, and it's probably the most logical time/date based on the history. Me and Jack absolutely enjoy messing with people a little bit, but as I think someone pointed out, if they'd officially told us, we would not be allowed to speculate.
  2. Enough to conclude that I'm a, 'thoroughly charmless guy' though I guess! I'm not looking for your approval Keiran, but I'm not sure I was deserving of such a review. Then again, last time I asked for people to consider what they're saying, it didn't go as swimmingly as I'd hoped.
  3. If you've read my post and concluded 'HE DOESN'T WANT US TO HAVE OPINIONS' I can't help but think you've missed the point.
  4. Hello SI Forum friends, I'd consider myself an ambassador for FM creators/youtubers as I hope the rest of them would too, none of us care if you have opinions on the quality of the videos, if you're not into it, you're not into it, but last year and this I continue to see comments that I think either go a little to far, or just aren't in the slightest bit necessary when it will absolutely come across as a thinly veiled attack. This was something I personally discussed with various people at SI who agreed, so while the excitement for FM24 is at all time high, having met everyone who creates videos around FM24, everyone is lovely, most love the game in the exact same way as anyone who posts on these forums, please do remember that. Lots of love x
  5. I don't think any content creator would say they don't care about the views they get or the money they earn, it's the economy of how they do it professionally? So they probably care about money as much as anyone else does in their own job? I don't really know what point you're making? Myself personally? Well, while it's absolutely a factor in why I've continued to do it over a number of years, it's not my sole reason for making stuff, and certainly not the reason I give continual and honest feedback to SI. Unless you're in my position as a creator or have attempted to be one yourself, I'm not sure how you can speak in such absolutes about the career path? Rather than just assuming we spend 'hours and hours whining like a little girl', maybe ask questions and engage, especially if you've such strong opinions. Nobody is saying you have to enjoy the content of every FM creator, I know I don't, but I can't just watch you misrepresent all of them in one uninformed attack.
  6. It's a lot regardless, but I accept your distinction. I hope you can accept not everyone follows and interacts with me, but maybe I should have added that as a question!
  7. I think it boils down to my expectations and equally how I manage the expectations of others. Do I think this survey acts as a definitive example of user data to aid SI in the future? No, absolutely not, I think any survey of this particular nature would find that incredibly difficult. Do I think it's pointless? No, not at all, I think it's ridiculous for anyone to suggest that. Do I think it'll aid my own conversations with them, especially when it comes to giving broader social media feedback in more definitive terms? Absolutely, and the question of, 'well should SI care?' is very much up to them, all I can do is express my feelings and the feelings I'm told about 50 times a day by people playing the game either in Youtube comments, Twitter threads, livestreams, discords or forum posts. I think there is an argument to say I'm giving the 'vocal' majority something of a voice within those potential conversations, people might dispute that, but as you yourself said, 14,500 people is a lot of people, it's not a number that can be ignored for a number of reasons. The reality of the data I've received is many of the answer's disagree with my own personal feelings, but the point was never to back myself up with data, it was to find out what people think, I think I've made that much clearer now.
  8. I'm always available for a chat or DM conversation on discord, I'm sure it wouldn't be tedious! DoctorBenjyFM#1990 - this offer extends to anyone else here.
  9. 'That in itself will vary from content creator to content creator' - I think this is important, and I think you're right, and it ultimately depends if people think I'm entirely negative or not, I personally would say I'm far from entirely negative and actually incredibly balanced in how I view Football Manager, and I believe those at SI that I communicate with regularly would agree as would those that for example watch my streams on a regular basis and I've demonstrated this over the best part of the last decade. As for what you've said about the negativity of the questions, that then depends on if people think the survey is negative from the outset, which based not only on the results so far but all of the feedback I've had on it, the majority don't believe it is. I'm sure the argument will be made of 'yeah of course your audience don't think it's negative' - but I'm incredibly aware this survey has reached far beyond my active follower base, so to claim otherwise does at a glance look disingenuous, including seeing it being posted here. Having just had a 2 hour conversation with someone from this very thread about the survey, I think my intentions in that call were made very clear and I've perhaps not done a good enough job of explaining those here, but in a sentence in an attempt to clarify. Ultimately, this survey was for me and other active content creators in the scene to grasp the general feeling towards the game, it's not suppose to be an in-depth look at certain sections, some of which SI will already have data on and some of which I didn't feel relevant at this time, but if SI want to talk about the community feedback I've gathered then I'm open to that, and the communication I've had with them so far suggests they absolutely do, which I hope will be as productive as any other time I speak to them directly.
  10. I don't know how to tell you it's not pitched in a specific direction, because, it wasn't. It was to get a snapshot of data on how people play and feel about the game, it's no deeper than that, as you've rightly pointed out, many questions weren't asked because I know SI will have infinitely more data on those subjects. I don't mind if SI care about it or not, do I think they should have some base level interest? Yeah, probably, but I won't be devasted if they don't. Some of the questions are to establish how new people are to the franchise, so which is their first FM, and how they correlates to how they feel about certain features compared to people that will have played for 20 years. Hopefully that clarifies why it was asked. The 'next section' as you've described it, is only used as a 'big pinata' if people feel negatively, surely it's not going to be considered that way if people are universally positive? Which I'm well aware many people are. The 'How you play' section, you acknowledge that SI will know most of that, so I didn't feel a huge need to potentially serve that data up, again, you've described it as incredibly pointless, which is your right, I happen to disagree. Install packs, I'm curious, and 14,500 people responding gives me a pretty good idea as to how much people value different externally downloaded items, again whether SI care about this or not, I don't know or mind. To finish by saying 'that survey just reads like it was written by an AI bot that had been exclusively trained by people who dislike the game' would it be fair to think you had that opinion before you started so may be swayed into thinking about it that way regardless of to content? Maybe I'm wrong, hopefully I've answered some of your points adequately, but if not, I'm here all day if required!
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