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42 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. It's wrong not to be able to play a game offline that we've a;ready bought. I don't give a flying monkey about steam, it was not my choice from the start, I SHOULD BE ABLE TO PLAY THE GAMES I PURCHASED even if that'd be online. I don't deal with anyone anyway, dont need online gaming.
  2. Haven't got a clue how Linux works, but if you still need windows for other functions (ie Microsoft Office), what's the point to bottleneck your HD with 2 OS?
  3. It'll make my laptop slower, like any new windows version, let alone that microsoft claims that none of my files will be deleted, but woth a "refresh" of WIN8, they were and I lost them forever. I don't trust the process, it'll waste time I don't have and using steam would be the only reason to do it, otherwise I'm happy with my old versions of hard copy software.
  4. Can I buy a hard copy (DVD) of FM2024 in the UK? I don't want to depend on game platforms/Microsoft updates in order to have access to games I've already paid for. I am definitely not in a mood of experimenting with FM2025, just want to play.
  5. I already contacted them and they said this (copy-paste from FAQs, not helpful): I understand the issue. Per our official announcement here (Windows 7 and Windows 8 Support) the Steam client will no longer be able to run on Windows 7, 8, 8.1 in January of 2024. Steam support does not have any further details outside of what is included in the announcement at this time. Our recommendation would be to upgrade your operating system prior to the end date to avoid any disruption in service. Steam Support Fey Nobody can explain me, why although Steam was off and I could see a message in red every time I'd play, saying it's stopped working with WIN8.1, my games were running normally without any disturbance. I have no need to upgrade for any reason and it seems that the games should be OK, unless it's this GPU, that I remember setting up after I loaded the game. Is there any other way I could turn GPU off?
  6. So, I have to buy WIN10??? I was playing FM2021 till yesterday morning, always starting it from Steam shortcut, it was just saying that Steam is not working. But the games (a city building game), were both running. So, what did just happen then?
  7. I run Win 8.1 with an old grump of a laptop and still, can play FM2021, a bit slow, but runs OK-ish. Steam does not support Win 8.1 as off January 1st, 2024, but I don't care. I keep playing my favourite game of all times off Steam and doesn't make any difference to me. Suddenly today, Steam is not starting, even if I uninstalled and reinstaled it twice. I know that FM2021 is in the cloud with a couple of more titles, but I'd wish to install them in my HD and get rid of Steam once for good. Any advice how to do this?
  8. I've noticed that with low attacking width, my team is indeed more stack to the central axe of the field, which is not always helpful, as it can cause congestion and wrong passing. Then again, teams who play with larger attacking width, seem to catch me a lot on the flanks with counter-attacks, because my players move narrower. If I pick wider attacking style, the opponents have massive spaces for counter attacks in the middle. Something I had applied which helped defensively (my philosophy is that everything starts from the defense), but won't score to many goals, is an average width for both attack and defence, but the lines from defence to attack stack together half the way on the pitch, or one click before the very top. This is with vertical tiki-taka.
  9. Is there any link where I could make a few suggestions to SI? I've got a few, playing the CM/FM series since 1998-99*! * When Stephan Effenberg was Bayern Munich's star player and Zinedine Zidan hadn't had his Real Madrid transfer yet.
  10. I'm managing a small club, so training-wise, it's everyone's hands on deck, as the club cannot afford a large team of coaches. So, unfortunately, I have to hire an a$$ man to add in some training expertise. The reason I don't appreciate a$$ man in FM2021 is, that i.e. I might use a CB as ANM, if I don't have another option. This is the reality of small and penniless clubs. What I don't get is the reason why SI decided to break my nerves, by repeating the same message every few seconds during the match? Not only the message window is hiding the crucial goalie area, but in reality, if I had an a$$ man for 90 minutes repeating the same thing over and over again, I would probably end filling him in (joke!) Is there any option, except for the 2 clicks to 'always ignore' in EVERY match, where I could stop this?
  11. One thing is, real life stress, causes me more temper while playing the game, which is supposed to take my head away a bit and help me cheer up, that caused lack of patience. Back in the days, after a bad run of 3-4 games, I'd always go back andcheck how they mostly score against me and try to correct, something which I didn't do with Unterchanging and paid dearly for it. After my tutorials on gegen press, in real football and FM2021 (I jumped from FM2013 to 2021, massive shock!), I realised exactly what you're describing above. I had set 'urgent pressing', 'prevent GK short distribution', 'get stuck in', 'always high pressure' on midfielders, plus gegen press and hard tackle for half of the opponents. All these settings, created a team with the highest rate of yellow and red cards, as well as fouls against and of course, they were pushing to much forward and leaving plenty of areas to explore behind my defence. By the way, having a relegation from Liga 3 in my CV, I doubt if I ever find another job in this save, I might start a new one soon.
  12. "No, I'm talking about an opponent midfielder who invites pressure from your players, then plays a pass to another player who are running INTO the space your players left to press. I'm talking about space being exploited because you don't cover it. " This was actually happening all the time, this is why the opponents were scoring from all possible positions and angles!
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