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Everything posted by SpartanUTD

  1. You're right, the options started to pop-up now. Another problem I have is, that I'm just about to start the 1st match of the season, but I'm getting the message shown in the screenshot below. I kept adding U23s in the first eleven, or the bench, all homegrown (bbb.jpg), but still no change. What am I doing wrong?
  2. I started a new save, but I am currently unable to prise or criticise players for training. Is this another staff setting I need to amend?
  3. Although, as you can see in the screenshot, I'm in charge of friendy games for the first team, I keep getting a fluke friendly game or two arranged for me every week. The most frustrating thing is, that it's always squeezed between 2 friendlies that I've arranged, which barely gives the team a whole day of rest between matches, so if I ail to cancel it, it'll increase the likelihood of injuries. I've checked all the settings, but none of them seems to be interfeering with this. Anyone who might know something more?
  4. My current manager has ran to unemployent and I am not willing to go on forever with him, although I always try to use the same save, without even playing the matches till I win, like some do! Any suggestions about how I can start clean, new manager, new avatar, from 2020-21 season?
  5. Can I play FM without steam? Steam can't function with WIN8.1 anyway and I never really made any use of it. Is there any way to go old school and directly start the game from my laptop?
  6. I also noticed lately, that it messes up the corners routines. I'm playing this game since 1999 and I have developed some succesful routines. In this version, it's putting my striker to attack outside the area, which I NEVER set and in match reality, they only stand by the penalty spot when the ball is already delivered, so no use of this. I ALWAYS have the 2 fullbacks to stay behind and the BWM or DM "stay back if needed" and they seem to be in the 6 yard area.4 It has even randomly set my CB to take all throw-ins, which means that my defence was vulnerable in counter-attacks. I need to be vigilant, because by the time I see all my defenders being out of place during a match, it'll be to late.
  7. Just found another player who was set by me to MC?BBM, but now, he is just MC default. I always change their training every 2 months, but it is annoying that I don't even know when it changed and for how long they've been doing the right training, prior to the fluke change.
  8. Hi there, I'll be brief: - I despise ass man, so I haven't got one, all he does, is giving random "advice" during the matches and hiding the screen. - In staff responsibilities, I have taken over the training of U19, U21 and 1st team. Despite all these settings, every time I change my players training (every 2 months), it seems that some random players have gone back to factory settings, like a DC to DC - playing position, which is othing I ever use. Why is it happening and raise my blood pressure? I am supposed to enjoy that, not getting my blood booiled from random things happening in the game's algorithm.
  9. I've done all that, but it still doesn't resolve that fact that I cannot pick and choose where to send my scouters, until they ask me? And it doesn't resolve the priorities issue neither.
  10. I'll put it simple: I cannot get my head around scouting in this version of FM. I can't ask them to scout a League I want, I can only pick options they offer me and most of the times, they're coming back with no findings (so why do they even make an offer at first place?). Scouting priorities should be easy, but they are not! What if in one of the player's menus, we'd have the option to Scout/priorotise? I need to learn about some players, who might be 700-800th in the queue, which is unrealistic, as I could ask the scout to focus on a group of 4-5 players. Please, let me know what you think.
  11. Thank you All for your replies. I actually think it's a bit random and has to do with their personnalities, because it's usually the same ones moaning a lot and even when I change the training, they might stop complaining for a month or 2 and then, they'll start again. So, I'll just ignore them, or maybe train them till I break them
  12. I am going through my 3rd season in the game, second team I manage and in both teams I was getting complaints from some players, that they either think they overtrain, or train on something that won't benefit them. Since the older versions of the game, I am training the youngsters more (double intensity+additional focus), while for the over 20s I might add an additional focus and single intensity. Regarding the overall training, I usually add 2 sessions on the given routine, per week. Question 1: Am I overtraining the team, based on the addition of 2 extra hours of training per week? Question 2: Is the training to youngsters to much? Question 3: Is training meant to be light for every player?
  13. 2 major questions that make scouting in this version a bit frustrating: 1. Why I can't tell my scout(s) to go to any Country I pick and scout the local Leagues, like in the older versions? Why do we only have options to scout, based on competitions that our Chief Scout is suggesting? And if so, why SI Games thought that this is realistic? 2. Some assignments are set based on the limited options we now have. How can I ask my scouts to bring me a report ASAP for 1-2 specific players? I find players who seem to be a good fit, their contracts expire next June and need them to get scouted for more information, but they end at the bottom of the pool/priority table and about a year after, I forgot who they were and what I was thinking to do with them. In the scouting priorities page, I have seen the numbered tab on the left handside of the name of each player and I can drag it all the way to the top, but this is staking ages and I am still not sure if they're getting scouted with a priority (there are 740 players to be scouted). Any better suggestion? PLEASE, DO NOT REPLY WITH MORE QUESTIONS AND BE CONCISE WITH YOUR ANSWERS. THANKS IN ADVANCE
  14. ALVERCA - PORTUGUESE SECOND LEAGUE - 18th PLACE OUT OF 18 I like playing possession and/or gegen press, even if I manage a newly promoted team. Last year, newly promoted, I managed to save them at the last minute. On top of gegen press, I was puttng a few individual high intensity marks, hard tackle etc before the match. It was easy to notice that with all these marks, my defence would split and spread all over the place, so I let my assman set a couple, who seems to be more delicate and reasonable than me From conceding 3-4 goals per match, I know concede 2, but scoring none or one, so not much of a benefit there I am not going to go in detail about tactics here, but I'd like to focus more on individual and team's reactions. I watched all the goals I have conceded in 11 games and I noticed a pattern: 1. At least one third of goals are scored because my DMs and CBs seem to react to slow when it comes to mark the scorer, or have completely missed their opponent and probably watch his back as he puts the ball in the net. 2. Although I am struggling to pass crosses in the opposite box, they seem to find it quite easy and combined with pattern #1, their striker seems to score nearly unmarked, although I'm playing narrow. 3. My team's reaction in set-pieces: I do train them in both defending and attacking SPs once every couple of weeks, but they don't seem to be focused, they loose their marks and opponent players score with ease and once every other game. I know that playing narrow leaves spaces on the wings, but playing wide was leaving plenty of space in the middle and through balls would go in evry two minutes. Playing counter-attacks in some games, will result in loosing, maybe with less ease. So, I have chosen a more "ALL-IN" tacic and mentality (4-2-3-1), in order to try to grab a win (WON-DRN-LST 0-3-5), but my defending seems to constantly letting me down. Shoud I look at CBs with better mental attributes? PS: I purchased players with higher determination, marking and aggrsson this year, hoping my defending would improve, but I was proved wrong!
  15. I can't figure this out neither, this is why I made this post. X-Y tables for what?
  16. I get this analysis, but I can't make sense. How am I supposed to read this?
  17. I thought it might be, because I've never seen anything like that before in any league, in any other version of FM.
  18. So why do the new transfers get a number assigned automatically when they arrive in the club? This is what I don't get.
  19. I'm playing in Portuguese Second League. For a second year in a row, I am not asked to assign squad numbers. Instead, the players, old and new, appear with their new number. I checked my inbox to see if I was asked to do it while I was on holiday, but I could only see till July the 1st. I find it extremely frustrating, as for me, this is a quadramajor part of the pre-season. I don't fancy a team with numbers like 78 or 99! I'm suspecting that there is a setting in staff responsibilities??? I am dyslexic and I'm struggling to edit staff responsibilities, any suggestions?
  21. One of my Achilles heels in FM2021 is corners, both defending and attacking (freekicks too but less). I have noticed during a friendly, that the 5 opponent players (highlighted in red), are close to the 6 yard box and all around my 3 defenders. 3 of the rest of my players are defending behind their attackers and as a result, there are not well marked and I actually conceded here (scorer pointed with black arrow), with their scorer scoring an easy goal, totally unmarked. When I take an attacking corner, all my players are alligned at the the edge of area, too far from the 6 yards box and they barely do (or have time to do) any offensive move towards the goal. You're probably thinking that I can set all these things up in the tactics, which I have repeatidly reviewed, with no difference. The only think I can think off is, that they need more training on both defending and attacking corners, which I do (2-3 times per month each), or that they don't have the intelligence to execute what they learn in trainning. Any suggestions? PS: This is the second team I take over. In the first one, they seemed to be really good in both defending and attacking corners, without much effort.
  22. I still can't find the scouting pool, if it even exists. I am looking for the players that I have asked my scouting team to check out, as I want to delete some of them, because I never seem to get the reports for the players I need on time.
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