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..Valhalla.. last won the day on August 21 2018

..Valhalla.. had the most liked content!


175 "Just keep swimming"


  • Biography
    DJ/Music Producer.

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  • About Me
    Trance DJ and producer.


  • Interests
    The bassline.

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  • Favourite Team
    Liverpool, BvB

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    Górnik Zabrze

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  1. Just the fact it was even written like this to begin with though, that's what bothers me. I've just won the Croatian Cup on top of my league and super cup success to complete the domestic treble, and the board are not really fussed about it. I appreciate that Dinamo are near sure bets for the title and any other domestic trophy but I sincerely doubt the board immediately tell the manager to keep a lid on celebrations and look to the future any time he wins something. A lot of the interaction in the game seems to have been written by someone who has never had an adult conversation in their life.
  2. Who on Earth wrote this? This is one thing that has always infuriated me about FM; winning the title then being immediately slapped in the face by the board. I remember ending Liverpool's near-30-year wait for the title and the board saying something along the lines of "we always felt we could win the title and are glad you didn't let us down". Excuse me? After 30 years you should be building me a statue outside Anfield tbh. It's an amazing feeling to land a league title, but the moment it happens in FM it's such an anti-climax. Feels like lazy programming really, like you don't know how to create a sense of achievement in what is genuinely the deepest and most detailed game around (until that moment). Give me some thanks for God's sake. Why can't they say something like "we know we were among the frontrunners for the title but we appreciate the effort required and can't thank you enough for delivering..." and then add "no doubt the celebrations will go on long into the night in the City and we can't wait to be a part of it"? What is with this scant praise?
  3. Using WARPIGS 451 (Arsenal108) tactic with Liverpool in second season I thought I was in for a tough start to the campaign, and yet... Liverpool 5-0 Arsenal (EPL) Real Madrid 0-3 Liverpool (Super Cup) Liverpool 5-0 Man United (EPL) This is an absurd setup that makes my team play like the Harlem Globetrotters of football. I signed James Ward-Prowse and have him taking all corners and free kicks. You can imagine the devastation he's causing.
  4. He was sacked in my current save, when he finished 3rd in first season. For someone with his record he'd definitely get some leeway to have a "bad" season like that.
  5. Almost certainly Liverpool, with the sole intention of signing my mate as my Ass Man. He's listed in this year's game as a data analyst but I'll use the editor if I have to in order to change his staff position.
  6. Weirdly - and kind of an antonym to the OP topic, I have a super computer that I only use to play games like FM, Minecraft, Cities:Skylines and so on. Nothing even remotely demanding. It's cool that FM remains low-spec.
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