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Everything posted by pamf

  1. have updated, can't see 24.4, just 24.3 in both editor and in game.
  2. We should be on 24.4 now, mine is not up to date either even tough the game is updated.
  3. I dont disagree, but 11 in 15 is actually pretty good for most strikers, 6 in 12 is not horrendous numbers also. I think we all get a bit blinded by the insane numbers from Haaland last season + the massive OP strikers in fm23 if they were tall, strong and fast.
  4. Aston Villa, Chelsea, Luton, Fulham and Manchester Utd have two assistants in game. Not a huge deal, I just fix it my self when the editors is released.
  5. Is there a way to take the set piece preference tool multiple times? or start it over once it is finished?
  6. Is it possible to restart the first set piece creator?
  7. Liverpool have 2 assistant managers, Peter Krawietz and Pep Lijnders according to their official web site.
  8. Regarding bugfixes for the game I feel SI could do a bit more, some of the bugs in the game are not big ones but very annoying and would be easy to fix, so why not release an update to fix the smaller things more often(should have been fixed before the full release to be honest). I didn't see any changes from the beta to full release regarding UI, competition rules etc. even tough the forums where full of bugs this gives a feeling of still playing the beta even after the full release.
  9. I feel the game is good, I enjoyed playing the beta quite a lot. The thing that bothers me is that I feel like I am still playing a beta version and the actual beta was an alfa version. This is not the first year I feel this way. Second thing that is really annoying is the UI bugs, especially the ones who worked on FM 22, have no new features, but then is broke on fm 23, some of the things was reported in the forums first day of the beta but still isn't fixed for the full release. I understand that match engine is very complicated and difficult, but the UI stuff should be spotless on a so called full release.
  10. For example, Liverpool have to assistant managers IRL, so this is allowed in the Premier league, in game, they only have one, but when I offer Krawietz a assistant manager job he accepts and I have two of them. Great so far. But why, WHYYY I ask you can't I decide between the both of them for example in the "provides team selection advise" and "provides opposition instructions".
  11. I am not sure if this should go to the request feature or if it is a bug, but I would love it if when you tick the "use first team settings" on the offer to clubs column that actually changed the columns that grey out, that would look so much more pleasing to the eyes.
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