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Brentford Alan

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78 "There's no crying in baseball"


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    Brentford Researcher

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  1. The pictures could have been created weeks or months ago, for all we know.
  2. It's a very early state of play update, new features will I'm sure be announced as time goes on. The screenshots are just an indicator and not likely to be the final version by a long shot.
  3. Not going to reveal too much but I've just had a look at the SI database and all 5 players mentioned in these two posts have had their CA increased in this update.
  4. There is always a final update after the last transfer window (China) closes.
  5. I think what XAW meant was the game doesn't pre kick off decide the score will be 2-2 and then only make tweaks to counter any changes the human manager makes to keep the final score as previously decided. The AI manager will make changes to try and impact the final result in their favour the same as the human manager does, each change by either is then recalculated by the game and a new final score and 'story' (if you like) is determined.
  6. You might not be changing anything, but remember you're playing against another manager and team who actively are. They see a weakness in your team and/or tactics, change things up, score 2 goals. IRL or in the computer world just plugging one set of instructions in and expecting them to work for 90 minutes flawlessly is a recipe for failure.
  7. People seem to miss this time and time again, scouts and coaches in-game can make mistakes, over or under rating players and their potential. Star ratings are a guide based on the staff's assessments, by design they wont always be accurate. It's not an issue, it's what happens in real life no matter how good the scout or coach is.
  8. Ente35 has been told a dozen times or more that Transfermarkt isn't a reliable source, including by the EFL HR less than 24 hours before they posted this one, I suspect it's a losing battle to get them to listen
  9. Not sure which club you're playing as but it's not entirely unrealistic. You aren't paying a transfer fee, the player and agent want a big slice of the fee you've 'saved' relative to the players worth. You could gamble on approaching them once they are out of contract and you'll get reduced demands from them but other teams might jump in as well.
  10. There will be a major data update once all currently open transfer windows are closed, usually released in March. We researchers are already working on it You then have the option to start new saves with the original database, the post-transfer window database or the real world database (transfers happen on the dates they went through in real life).
  11. They're annual salaries rather than the weekly ones most of us (I guess!) use.
  12. Well its approx 3/4 of the season but only 1/2 of the game cycle (new game usually drops in Nov). It's been that way for many years and I suspect many years to come. I can't see us moving to FIFA style weekly or monthly updates, never say never though! As Stuart says there are always the editors available if you want to manually update individuals or the entire Scottish database.
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