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Brentford Alan

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Everything posted by Brentford Alan

  1. Doesn't the 'full fat' version launch first generally and then the mobile/touch etc versions in the following days? I think too much is being read in to it, personally.
  2. Horribly reminiscent of those dreadful Leeds Utd badges of the 70s.
  3. Brilliant to see SI finally including the ability to pick a frog's head for your manager profile, it's so forward thinking. Sure some will dismiss it as woke nonsense but for those of us who identify as large amphibians it really is game changing to be able to select a proper representation of ourselves in the game. Hopefully it will also help society be just a bit more understanding.
  4. They haven't just thrown it up overnight though, from a quick timeline check and apologies for any errors, Bournemouth were in their fourth Premier League season when plans were submitted for the training ground in 2019, planning permission was given later in the year, and they are still at least 3 months from completion of the project. Even taking away a generous years delay for Covid I assume this would be an acceptable timeline in game for players to keep things realistic? Ie 3-4 years of relative success to acquire funds and then a 4 year build?
  5. If thats what you've decided then good for you, there will be further announcements with new features and updates over the next 2 to 3 months though. Look, its not the way I'd do it but they seem to have asked a hypothetical 'would you like the good news or bad news first' type question of the community and decided our likely answer would be 'bad news first please'. I'm sure the good news is forthcoming starting with the expected end of September announcement.
  6. I do wonder, and I'm probably a million miles off the mark , if some of the stuff you mention early on in your post has been dropped purely for size of install/download reasons. The game has always had compatibility with older machines in mind so may take in to consideration that not everyone has large storage space, and of course the game has to be a size shippable on disc for those who still use them and also be a realistic size of download for those with slower internet speeds. As the game has become more bloated with other features perhaps something's had to give? As I say I'm probably miles off with that thought. That said having played the game since CM93 and it being pure text for many years I always find it easy to immerse myself in my world with my own imagination filling in the gaps and ignoring things like crowd graphics that aren't particularly realistic. I appreciate that's not the case for everyone though.
  7. So there is some differential in the player animations you see in the graphics engine. Do you honestly think they're done with pre-release announcements including updated elements and new features nearly 3 months before the rescheduled release date? Even in Miles' blog he says another one is due in a few weeks...
  8. Yeah obviously. Or they can't model it correctly as it's more difficult than it is to model for men so it's been removed. There isn't a word in there that can be construed to what you've said.
  9. Can you reference where someone from SI has given this as the reason why it's been removed please?
  10. It wont have been a binary choice between the two and even if it was it's SI's product, they're free to focus on whichever they think will be most beneficial to their game and prospective player base. There must be something in it as EA have added women's leagues to their career mode for this year's offering, and we know they won't do anything unless it means more £€$ for them.
  11. A question for those involved in working on it, I can't believe they'd leave it out if it was an easy fix to port over and then remove though, regardless of low usage. I may of course be wrong.
  12. I assume due to the level of work required to port it over to the new engine just to rip it all out and start again in a few months time (not to mention the 'knock on effect' risk of including code that has only 1 years use). And thats not to say its one or the other between this and women's football being implemented, I'm sure there are plenty of other yet to be revealed new features that time has been allocated to work on.
  13. There has been recruitment of researchers for the women's game, although some current men's team researchers may also take on the female side of their club as well. If they have (I really don't know if any at all have) I'm sure they've considered whether they can handle the extra responsibility before committing to the task.
  14. Sigh, international football has not been dropped, being able to control an international team is taking a year hiatus so they can develop a much better mode as requested by the community for a long long time. I gave international management a go on FM22 for the first (and currently last) time in years and it was crap. Dropping it for a year to allow it to be properly developed in to a genuinely worthwhile game mode is a good move rather than another half-baked idea shoehorned in for the sake of it, if you really need to play as an international manager stick with FM24 or the latest version you have and download the updated databases provided by the community. If it doesn't appear in FM26 that's on SI and they'll deserve what stick they get for it. And if only 5.6% of the player base play the women's version of the game I dare say in a few years it'll be dropped as well.
  15. Tbf, and I don't understand the reasoning behind it tbth, but they've only focused so far on the negatives of stuff that's coming out of the game, not on whats going to be flashy, new and updated.
  16. Believe what ever you desire. In my 10 years of researching we have always been told which fields are no longer functional or they are disabled/removed so we don't waste our time and the internal research team dont have their time wasted on entering meaningless info. I'm fully confident they havent changed tact on this particular attribute that barely anyone takes notice of.
  17. I'm a researcher, I can see the database, we still have the fields to amend. If they were of no use they would be disabled and we wouldn't be asked to waste our time filling them in for every player.
  18. Weight has not been 'removed', it's now hidden. We're still setting weights or weight descriptions in the database so you'll still have chubby players, stick insects and everything inbetween when they're running about the pitch. Irl managers don't know the actual weight of a potential signing until they're on the scales at their medical, the stuff clubs put on their website player profiles is usually a ball park figure at absolute best.
  19. No one in the history of this game has, if they are being honest, searched for a player to sign and set themselves the goal of that player having to be between certain weights.
  20. There is no 'hardcoding' of Greenwood to not play for those squads again. The poster you've quoted hasn't amended Greenwood's 'Home Reputation' field which was set to a lowish value of 100 for FM24. You'd need to significantly increase that figure to get the game to pick him for England and Man Utd, along with other reputational and ability related attributes.
  21. Regarding point 1, there are strict and clear rules already, the outgoing researcher reviews and updates the transferred player IF required and adds the transfer details, the incoming researcher is free to amend any obvious errors with attribute ratings or other areas like player histories for example.
  22. The pictures could have been created weeks or months ago, for all we know.
  23. It's a very early state of play update, new features will I'm sure be announced as time goes on. The screenshots are just an indicator and not likely to be the final version by a long shot.
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