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13 "You're a bum, Rock"


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    @JonnyGamesFM on Twitter, Facebook and Youtube
    Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMzB6CMpLIEYG6v7gwuEwpA

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    Toronto, Ontario, Canada


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    Music, Sports, Web Design & Development, Photography

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    SC Jiuniu

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  1. Not sure if this is bug or not because I think FM23 was like this too, but on the Goal Line Technology review it's shown from the sidlines in TV view, where it should probably be the top down view above the goal post.
  2. In the suggested action for moving a player to another squad, the dropdown is empty by default and when I open it the team being suggested is not present in the list (I am Valencia and Valencia Mestalla is not available as a squad in the list.)
  3. A strange bug just occurred where the game froze and started a strobing effect after a goal and the team was kicking off again around the 55th minute (I think it was the third goal). Attached are the pkm and rec files. I got past it by switching to commentary and back to comprehensive. Bishop Auckland v Middlesbrough.pkm match_recording.rec
  4. This seems like a bug, the pass map pops up randomly and appears default blue. Sometimes it flashes quickly and disappears.
  5. Just noticed that the total numbers of performance analysts were mismatched in the UI compared to who I actually have in my staff. Says 2/2 Performance Analysts but I only have 1 actually in my backroom staff in the Under 21s.
  6. One thing to note is, I just won the community shield and got multiple achievements in steam
  7. Not sure if this is desired behavior or a bug, but hitting the advance button in the draw doesn't reset the timer, so something it jumps two steps quickly if the timer is close to the end when you hit Advance. I think the timer should reset every time you hit advance. Just a quality of life change.
  8. After the end of a game, the Awaiting Media Reaction overlay stayed and I was able to click on the UI and navigate underneath it. Bit of a strange minor bug.
  9. Would love to have squad dynamics and training added to national teams. Would make international management more realistic and more engaging.
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