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Posts posted by titool

  1. Hello,

    I do a Life ban game witch Auxerre and I use a third party editor (no modification possible) to see CA/PA and hidden attributes.

    I have one of my 16 years old regen popped with PA set to 153 and now at 21 years old his PA is 174... How it is possible??

    Ps: Autosave it 14 days and unfortunately oldest one his PA already changed. I wanted to simulate it again to see if it happens a new time and if yes if new PA is random or not



  2. Hello,
    We are in a mutual game (3 players) in France. We ended the seasons, and hopefully we all gone in superior division the first year.

    Arrived the 1rst of July and we can buy players, but we can't loan player as it is written that we made our 5 loans allowed by seasons. We are now ending of august and it is still the case.

    Look like , that the reset on loans was not done. I saw on the internet a bug like this was already fixed some time ago. Is the new patch bringing him back again?

    Can check my VOD if needed to see bug (sry french)


    Edit : Savedgame is "Trio NAT fr.fm"

  3. I have auto save each month. No problem in game, there is no error message. But no saved game file in my whole PC when i try to search with the name of the savedgame.

    To save I use same process as steam. Menu / save as and try new name or erase existing one. On local or Cloud (mainly at the end of long play to have backup saved game)

    When i load game i don't use last saved game (as I have many) but i use load game and then select athe wanted saved game.

    Sry i have uninstall Epic version to avoid conflict.

    We decided to start a fresh game as cloud save are corrupted now too... But neq game will be on steam where there is no problem.

  4. Yes i have nothing and from this morning. I can't load no more my game from cloud and nothing in :

    C:\Users\hernando\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2020\epic_cloud\games


    C:\Users\hernando\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2020\cloud\games

    Nothing when i searh on my whole PC. only here : C:\Users\hernando\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2020\Temporary

    but set to 0ko...

    I don't want to lost my game :'(

  5. Hello,

    I was playing on steam and took FM20 on EGS to play with a friend (some problem when joining game when steam + EGS).

    EpicCloud saved game is working BUT local not?? Even with auto or manually save all is good in game but no file are created/updated on my computer.

    On Epic Cloud is working but it is slow :/

    I have no file into appdata cloud/ EpicCloud to copy past the save for example.

    I tryed to change my save location. All Folder are created under  ( C:\Users\hernando\OneDrive\Documents\Sports Interactive\Test\) but nothing inside when i try to save??

    Could you help?

    Edit : When  i try to save on local with steam. it is still working


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