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Issue Comments posted by dansh1989

  1. On 21/02/2023 at 12:25, LaytonBhoy said:

    I'm just not buying it next year. There is no game out there more in need of the emergence of a great rival. This is what happens when you don't have competition, just like in football. 

    Arrogance. Entitlement. Complacency. 

    100% agree! Trouble is they've cornered the market. The most frustrating thing for me is I know how good this game could be. As long as people keep buying it won't improve. I won't buy again next year that's for sure.

  2. 6 hours ago, mattj100 said:

    I’ve been reading through this and just wanted to offer my experiences as of lag since fm 20. For me this year I’m more puzzled than ever. I’ve been watching games just looking at where the lag is and how it happens but it’s impossible. I’ll play a highlight that’s end to end lots of camera movement at one instance it will jump a few times, then the same action on a separate highlight smooth as anything. Some shots will create lag some don’t, no pattern. The biggest myth to me is how can a built in 60 fps cap not set smooth gameplay. There are deeper lying issues than ad boards. I have given up and until the match engine is upgraded it’s had its day. I’ll just hop onto GTA 5 that incredibly graphically demanding game with no lag…

    True, the strange thing is if you have a FPS counter it doesn't drop from 60 FPS solid! There's serious issues somewhere. 

    Let's be honest this game should be so much more forward than it is in 2023. They know it and drip feed updates every year to make more profit which I get as a business. But for us players it sucks 🤦‍♂️

  3. On 15/12/2022 at 20:11, Tyburn said:

    Was unsure of posting this but figured it should be said, as this has worked for me.

    Search Google for the ad boards patch for FM22 (Might be found on a non uk site as efforts have been made to stop this). Follow the installation instructions but DO NOT install the files that go in the game/data folder.

    You will get blacked out adboards. You will not have anymore lag due to adboards.

    Sorry SI. I understand you do not want to hear this, but for those of us who suffer awful lag due to the adboards - needs must.

    Of course SI, if you could work out why some of us experience terrible lag when video adboards are used, that would be ideal.

    I have tried everything to stop the lag on 2d (I only play 2d anyway so unsure of what’s happening in 3d). Lowered graphics settings (you can put them back up to your system recommended btw after installing this patch), removed crowd, tweaked every NVidia setting going. Only thing that helped (me) was this adboard patch.

    Hope it works for others.

    This fixed my lag 100%. It makes the adboards black but obviously shows that the lag issue is down to the ad boards! About time It got fixed now it's been 5 years for me 😅

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