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  1. That could be the issue as I have numerous downloaded leagues loaded up. I do notice that in the editor it has a random ID assigned to it to. EDIT- I figured out how and you were 100% correct, the in game ID is completely different to the ID that the editor shows, that was the actual problem! Thanks for everyone's help!
  2. Yeah i did that, cleared cache and then reloaded skin. When i did that, it actually removed all the logos from the game, not just my custom one
  3. Ah ok, i think i had notepad a few years ago with a custom club, but for some reason, i was unable to edit the config file for some reason. So from then on I used wordpad. Worth a shot
  4. I have a different logo pack to you so that will not work My file path is different to yours, ill show you what ive done This is my editor file for the created team There's my logo and the file path The edited config file Enter the game and there is no logo loaded. I did this for both the normal sized logo and the normal sized logo. As you can see, what i typed into the the config file is exactly the same as the other logos. I may have missed something, but im not sure what
  5. They all are lower case. But the other logos were working before I edited the config file to add my custom logo. I'll upload the config file and logo tomorrow if I can figure out how to do it
  6. Yes, i have done all of that and it hasn't made a difference at all Edit- Furthermore, doing that also disabled all the logos in the logo pack I have downloaded.
  7. Hi all, I have a custom logo and caan't seem to add this logo into the game Ive done this before succesfully, but for some reason its not working I put it in the right folder which is Sports Interactive>Football Manager 2023>Graphics>Logos>Normal>Clubs That's where I downloaded my logo pack to. So I put the logos in those folders for the small and normal logos, adjusted the config file with the number of my the club I created in the editor, and it still doesn't show up. I've double and triple checked it, nothing is working for some reason. Does anyone have any idea about what I could be doing wrong?
  8. Ah ok, so J1, J2 and J3 work ok? And promotions are ok from JFL into the J leagues?
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