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Everything posted by wynter

  1. 3-0 Down at HT and then the floodgates opened. May Pellegri live forever
  2. Being restricted to 8 signings a season, we've made our last purchase as the Jan window has opened with Mane joining to fill out the back, and a new signing in Mvuka Classic winger bought in for the AML/ML slot out left to play an inverted role. 21, rapid and has the tools to dominate out wide. No more signings until the end of the season. In the meantime pumping by rangers aside we're doing good. Made the Europa League Knockouts and with our streak of wins in the Serie A we end the year in 6th, with a six way shootout for the top spot.
  3. Second Season is off to a solid start, mainly looking at a good run in Europe and to aim for a Top 6 spot again. We got off to a bit of a shaky start in the league with Juve and Inter b2b but we've picked up some steam in October and our Europe Campaign is flying, having almost sealed qualification inside three games. Mid-Table in the League and in 1st place in the Europa League, aim for the next month is to try and keep the run going but there's some tricky away games coming up. With an eye to the HG rule of the challenge we've made our 7th and final signing for the season due to arrive in January 6.5 Million but 18 years old and he could be a hybrid WCB/Midfielder very easily. Can see him being a core part of the team or at the least a solid rotation option for a long time.
  4. A near perfect run in with some massive wins meant that on the final day we entered the league in 7th, and were able to make it into the Europa League after Lazio tripped at home to jump us to 6th and a Europa League Group Stage appearance. Biggest decision of the save was made immediately after as Singo, the clubs only HG star demanded to leave and after a lot of consideration and some hefty offers I decided to move him on. The part of the challenge to always play at least one HG player in the starting lineup means that we're going to lose out in terms of HG quality in the immediate future. On the flipside though he allowed us to make some massive signings to add quality in depth and Ciammaglichella, a name I don't ever really want to try and spell ever again will take over his duties as our HG talent. Ciamma will take over our BWM role, while Gaetano trots up to AMC to replace the departing Miranchuk and Ndour will split duties with Blas as our Mezzala alongside taking Regista duties from Ricci in place of injuries. The one I'm super excited for though is Beljo. A big tall animal to throw himself around in the box, cutting in from that Left Wing to help Pellegri bully defenders up top. Ola Aina will take over Singo's spot, while Valeri adds depth to the backline.
  5. A rare win over Juve kick-started our campaign and we followed it up knocking over Inter and Napoli away from home with some quality performances from Pellegri and Miranchuk. Miranchuk with 9 Goals from 5 games has been a standout, nabbing 4 when we dismantled Brianza. Really looking at signing him in the off season if we get the funds we need. 6 Points off of a European Spot, which would be amazing if we managed to sneak in. At this point, happy just getting into the Top 10 and going for a full overhaul in the offseason.
  6. So in the end, I just got off of Dafuge and had no interest in being back to England. Luckily while Forest had opened up, Torino are actually one of my favorite teams irl and I haven't been in Italy for a long time so we ran to it. Same goals as the Alex Ferguson save, I'm just running it in Italy vs England. We've made a few transfers out, basically got rid of some deadwood and used the funds to bring in two young Italian prospects to build the team up. Meanwhile Ballo-Toure is actually one of my favorite Left Backs in the game over the last few editions. Gaetano is a quality Attacking Midfielder and Bove will be taking over as our destroyer in midfield over the next year and a bit as we build his experience. Since taking over we've done well. Pushing into the second half of the season and we're putting together some good results. With 16 games left, I''m just aiming to finish in the Top 10, maybe have an outside shot at pushing for 7th/8th but I find it unlikely. Develop youth, scout some cheap prospects and begin building a competitive team to fully launch at the Serie A next season.
  7. Dear Diary, I'm not quite sure what happened when I stepped off the plane. I grabbed my luggage and ran for the closest stadium. My Australian accent must be stronger than I thought, I asked strangers for directions on the street and they just stared blankly at me, some of them ferrying their kids away, running from me after a word. Eventually I made it to the stadium, seeing the fans draped in red, though the Forest they were known for seemed to be replaced by an animal of some sort? I didn't know they'd changed logos. I walked into the reception and let them know the new manager was here. The receptionist looked puzzled, maybe they weren't expecting me until tomorrow? But there was a match today and what manager doesn't get started the second they can? She rushes me through the stadium, to the locker room and I meet the players. As I look around there's only one real question I have. Where is Jesse? He must be injured, I thought he was fit but anything could've happened over the course of the flight. It's fine, it's fine. Who needs him really? I take over the team talk telling the team exactly what we're going to do. And then we walk out to play a team wearing orange. No one wears orange in the Premier League...
  8. Nottingham Forest, a club rich with history, scraping their way back into the Premier League. He sat in his flight from Perth to England, economy class. The heavy head weighed down on his crisp suit and he could only sigh in disgust as he felt the drool seeping into his clothes and onto his shoulder. The only thing keeping him happy was his name emblazoned on the back of the papers in a move that had shocked the world. He was going to save them. He was going to turn Jesse Lingard into the greatest menace the Premier League had ever seen. For now though, for now he would rest and dream. As he dozed off, he didn't hear the flight attendant announce that a detour was being made...
  9. Domestic dominance looks to be on. Perchance. Hopefully the Danny Roberts challenge is possible, never thought about having a crack at it because I can never commit to a club that long
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