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Posts posted by Reerhy

  1. Two things for me:

    Player’s attention 

    With players that nobody is looking at, has been available for months, and then as soon as I put a bid in, the whole world piles on, and with one hit of continue he’s signed for someone else. Happens with almost every player I try and sign.

    I appreciate an agent or player putting his name out there, but it’s a little bit crazy the speed at which everyone everyone comes in. Especially as nobody has bothered with them for months. 

    Would love this to be looked it. Makes playing lower league saves quite frustrating! 

    Squad planner screen size

    Unless I play on 85% screen size on my gaming laptop, I don’t see the star ratings on the squad planner. 

    My screen size is 1536x864…is that too small? 


    Apart from those two points, enjoying the game so far! 

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