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Everything posted by rattyboy

  1. Fantastic movement animations in 3d. I am finally switching from 2d to 3d this year.
  2. I see "include" and in that I see "interested Staff / First Team, Reserves, & Youth" and "Gloucester staff". Checkign them seems to be the fix. Uuuuuugh. Thank you so much. However I swear I had used these options earlier & the result was still people who'd worked with or in top flight clubs. Or I'm just old & getting forgetful.
  3. I play lower leagues. Having top flight coaches show up in staff search means I am clicking not to find a good match, I'm clicking to find anyone. There used to be a way to ask the assman to filter out unreasonable targets. I have an assman. No option to filter & I'm pretty sure it was missing last year too. Is there a way to filter out staff who are not interested or is that sort of forward thinking about features limited us 50 year old [censored] guys?
  4. I've been begging for this or just a key that will "rewind 30 seconds" so I can look at the replay when I like. IMO it'll never happen b/c of average human intelligence.
  5. Ooooooh..... dude, you're really paying attention to detail. (1) I am 99.9% you're right, read on. (2) WTH - 52,633 posts? Can you marry one of my kids? I think you may have caught it. B/c I went back and looked at the friendlies leading up to the 1st match of the season. I saw no cards and he was playing in the friendlies until he pulled [get this] his knee ligaments during training. I wanted to strangle this guy. Now I get to see if his ban counts while injured. & the board let me send him on a leadership course while he's in 2-4 weeks of recovery. LOL. Also of note is this is Maidstone in the lower leagues. I've no clue why the FM community has been so incredible for over a decade. I am deeply grateful. I hadn't thought it may be from last season. Thanks!
  6. One of my players I noticed is suspended for 2 matches. It was leading up to the season start. I have the asst. mgr. do the friendlies. However, I go to put him in for the 1st match of the season and he's suspended for 2 matches. Intrigued, I search my inbox for his name. Nope. Nothing but his injury which has him out 2-4 weeks. So I look at the past games. I see in the last game he played in, he did not get carded. So is it a glitch? I don't see what caused his suspension. Any idea on how I can find out why he's suspended?
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