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Everything posted by theopert

  1. Is it feasible to use attack strategy (control/attack/overload) with 5 defend duties, 2 support duties, 3 attack duties? Is it feasible to use defend strategy (contain/defend/counter) with 3 defend duties, 2 support duties, 5 attack duties?
  2. Two points. One is about the stock price (valuation) and other is about the dividend (wage x contract). Clearly, if you pay a player $100,000 p/y for 3 years, contract is worth = $300,000 and look to recoup when selling. This is the dividend. The stock price is what demand and supply laws govern regarding player market availabilty and finances of the buyer. You'd think a players attributes/persona would be the governing laws for valuations, and not club and league reputation. You might argue, as my left and right brain often do, a players value should decrease with age, as option contracts do, but, if a club wants to buy a player for instant gratification with a short term goal, that's their decision. Clubs don't have to sell and clubs don't have to buy. Reason I write this, if I buy a burger at McDonalds, it will taste the same whether I eat in a poor housing commission house or a rich mansion. Perhaps there should be a fair wage and valuation commission to stop potential exploitation.
  3. I've edited one of the defunct nations in the editor, but the same applies for current nations as well. Currently when new players are generated in the nation competition and staff for that matter, the names of players/staff are hard coded somewhere. Example, control the defunct russian nation C.I.S, the names generated are slav. Control the current nation greece, names generated are greek. Is there a way to change the type of names? I've tried editing the language of, example, defunct nation C.I.S to greek, to no effect.
  4. I still play FM 2014. Would like an option to play the match without my physical involvement. Meaning, watch the match and let the computer version of me with all the attributes, do the managing, unless I decide to jump in. There's an option to go on vacation and let the assistant take over, but it doesn't feel right. Also, an option to pre-determine result, win/draw/loss, and then watch the match. Perhaps with detail such as halftime scores to go with fulltime scores, goal scorers, whether the match goes to penalties, etc.
  5. This was a test done with FM 2014 and may or may not be relevant in future versions. I created a 100/100 CA/PA player and a 200/200 CA/PA player. Both are in the DC position. The 100/100 player has 20 for each attribute and the 200/200 player has 15 for each attribute. The 100/100 player has a coach report: Not good enough for the squad, good for the current competition, playing to full potential. The 200/200 player has a coach report: Key player for the squad, world-class player, playing to full potential. The coach has 200/200 CA/PA and 20 for each attribute including JA/JP. When it comes time for match selection, with condition/fitness/jadedness/happiness/morale equal, the coach picks the 100/100 CA/PA player over the 200/200 CA/PA player. I did the test several times with the same result. Therefore, I can only conclude attributes are the main criteria. Unfortunately, this means having to manually look at attributes and assess because the stars were handed out in line with the player CA/PA. I don't mind the presentation the developer uses for coach reports but was hoping for at least the CA/PA stars to reflect the attribute part of the assessment for a fast answer. The developer should make the CA/PA/Attribute triangle move together. When one increases/decreases the other does as well and gives an immediate answer.
  6. Does anybody know how to edit the currency name? Currently, when attempting to save a new name, it doesn't save. This is for FM 2014.
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