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Posts posted by kuru

  1. What do you guys do in my place?

    Sign Jao Felix (transfer-listed for half the price) to be my false 9 (75m cost) or convert my AM midfielder Mayron into an ST (False9) (current value 44m and can sell for around 42m)?


    I’m not sure how much players improve over the age of 22. especially in the mental stats

    Felix would want 200k p/w in wages, most of my team is around 70-90k and one with 155k. Most are on long-term contracts though, but would probably want around 150-175k on their next negotiations. 

    Mayron is an AM that’s been on the team for 3 years now, doing decently but never too hot. He was my shadow striker in a 4-2-3-1 formation behind an F9 but that never worked AND left me exposed at the back. So I removed the AM position and added a DM, sold my striker, and trained Mayron as an aF9 striker for the new season. He’s accomplished at the position now, but I haven’t tried him in real matches yet. But Felix just got transfer listed, and I’m wondering if I should go for him. 

    My team




    Backstory and fluff feel free to skip:

    I’m managing Malaga and over the years I managed to get promoted and the current year is 2027 and lately, I’ve been managing to get into the top 4 (which was really hard with Sociedad, Valencia,  and A. Madrid overachieving.  But I’ve been struggling to even compete in the UCL and against the 2 top teams in La Liga. I just need to go for that next step. 

    I have an amazing LW inside forward that’s Europe's top goal scorer and R. Madrid is willing to pay 200m to get. So I want to make sure I unlock his full potential and provide him with someone else who can help him score. So either a beast of a DLP or an F9 that can unlock the scoring abilities of my RW and midfield

    The board gives me about 10m euro to invest in the team every year. But I managed to do well with selling goods players every year to raise money. 

    This year, I raised about 150m, and since my team was good in many places, I decided to splash on 2-3 key signings. So I’m set in almost all places except for a striker since I sold mine. 

    So I either stick with Mayron and try him as an f9 for the upcoming season or sell him and get Felix. I can keep both if I pay Felix for Felix over installments, but Mayron’s value will fall next season.vvvvvvv

  2. Hi, 

    Sorry if this has been asked before, English isn't my first language and I'm finding it hard to explain the problem, which in return is making it difficult to google if anyone else is experiencing it.

    So the issue is when clicking on a player's profile, the little yellow highlight/tick is usually placed on a position that the player never played before and only has a an "accomplished" rating for. like in the picture below:



    At first I thought maybe it was just a visual bug and the game highlights a random position when opening the player's profile, but it also happens to be the "best position" recommended to me by my coaches:



    I also thought maybe this is the best position the game/coaches feel the player should play given his attributes, which I'm fine with. The issue for me is I'm getting the same problem when scouting players not in my team. I'm worried my scouts are assuming the best position for a player in a role he can't play, then comparing him to my players who are natural there, and giving him lower scouting rating (since he'll have a lower ability in that position, since he's only accomplished in it compared to my players)





    I don't have the time to look at the attributes of the 100+ players my scouts suggest for me every month, so having a scout recommendation number helps me to choose who I should focus my time on. Instead of studying and sifting through 100+ report, I may decide to focus only on reports with a recommendation of 75 and above. but with this issue I might miss on some really good players because the came compares the scouted player on a position he's unfamiliar with compared to my players, and give them a lower rating that the deserve. At least, that's what I'm afraid is happening.

    So I can take it that for my players it's suggesting the best theoretical position for them giving their stats, but shouldn't my scouts judge players on their best played position? at least when it comes to comparing them to my players and giving a recommendation on whether I should sign them or not.



  3. I have a stupid question (hopefully this is the correct location to ask) when looking at a player's development page, what's the difference between leaving the "position/role/duty" training option -blank- or choosing a role? When leaving it blank and hovering it, it shows the current position and role the player is playing in the formation -so not necessarily his natural position- and/or his last played position and role.


    So it seems to me unless I want my player to gain some familiarity in a role he's less than "accomplished" in before I start playing him in that position, there's no point in selecting a role, and leaving it blank it just a better option as -I presume- it would decrease training workload. 


    Unless I'm missing something obvious like if I left it blank the player won't get trained in the attributes suited for the role I want him to play, considering that the attributes won't get highlighted on the panel next toit. But the role being displayed after I hover over the "blank" role leads me to believe that it shouldn't be the case.



  4. Apologies if this is the incorrect forum or if this has been discussed before, I Almost never frequent football manager forums.


    But I've been frustrated lately with the amount of 1vs1s my players are missing. In my last game my striker wasted more than 6 1vs1 in a single game and a few they didn't even try to shoot for it to count as a 1vs1 : /


    This game below ended 1-0. So frustrating.

    I wouldn't mind players wasting some 1vs1s everyone now and then, especially that every game seems to have 10 1vs1 to both teams, but either increase the conversion rate, or lower the amount of 1vs1 situations in each game please.



  5. I found a bug with Real Sociedad and their Basque based players signing policy.

    So R.Sociedad have a club vision policy where they'd prefer me to ensure that most of my signing are of Basque heritage. Right now their option of my performance in that area is "satisfied" I went ahead and signed another Basque player, Martin Aguirregabiria, and my performance went from "Satisfied" to "Disappointed".

    It appears it only changed from Satisfied to Disappointed if I offered that new signing a "fringe" role. if I offered him a "Impact sub" role or higher, it turns from "Satisfied" to "Pleased".

    I think it's a bug as the player who is 24 y.o is still bolstering the first squad and he is Basque. At the minimum it my "performance rating" in that area should stay at "Satisfied", rather than dip to "Disappointed".


    Edit: Some spelling errors

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