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Posts posted by Rainroom

  1. I'm trying to start from the bottom of the FIFA Rankings and the first league I want to play is the Anguilla league, the problem is that it just doesn't load the players. I mean, there are like 4-5 players in my team that I can use, but the other ones are just grey and I can't use them, they are like ghosts. How can I solve this? I loaded all players from Anguilla in the database before starting the game, of course. 

  2. I'm really struggling, guys. When I try to start a... let's say an Antigua and Barbuda game, the players just won't load. And that's not just an Antigua and Barbuda's problem, I've tried with many small leagues, and I have always the exact same problem, even when I choose to have a custom database and load all the players from that single league division. 

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