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Everything posted by 2calvin

  1. A long post, appreciate the effort but you haven't really said much. The preset tactics work. If you don't believe me you can watch videos on YT where people have tested them. So if you don't care about style/formation then just use one of the gegenpress presets and enjoy. 1. What's your preferred formation (virtually anything can work) 2. What's your preferred style (there's less room for error if you play gegenpress or tiki-taka) 3. What type of football do you want to see? Low block/counter? Lots of crosses or work ball into box? Quick transitions? Midfield runners? High press and camp? Defense first? 4. Show us how you'd set these things up in game
  2. He said he went 22 games unbeaten, I don't think he needs to change half the roles of his outfield players
  3. Mentality? TIs? Do you change mentality or your TIs? What division are you in? Are you one of the best teams in your league? You can't be losing to everyone, who are you beating/losing to? Are they generally stronger or weaker than you? All this matters
  4. Average positions with ball of a 5-2-2-1 DM. I would expect my AF (#9) to be in-line with #20 and #36 and my DLF(#10) to be a bit wider and deeper. 5122DM.pkm
  5. Average positions - 442 vs 4411. Strikers not adjusting their positions vs positional play working as intended
  6. Positional play in a 4-4-2 isn't working that well right now because the strikers aren't adjusting their positions. I posted a thread in the bug section with a couple of examples below. Please add your own if you feel the same. For that reason, to achieve a true 3-2-5 shape I prefer to set up in a 4-4-1-1 but the principles are the same. Low block, regroup, counter with even the strongest teams, mid block if I see my team under sustained pressure. My advanced forward wins the ball back regularly in central midfield with this setup.
  7. Giving it more thought, it's not just a 442 issue. It's an issue plaguing any formation with 2 strikers. Strikers in the STCL and STCR slots aren't adjusting their positions enough in relation to the roles enough around them. Here is another 442 example but with an IWB instead of a Libero. The AF should be more central. 442 IWB.pkm
  8. Strikers are staying in their channel too much and not moving centrally when a Libero is selected in defence. Why specifically a Libero? Because in FM24 a Libero pushes the central midfielder to the AM strata. This results in the CM and the ST 2 standing too close to each other. I believe this is not working as intended. The 4-2-3-1 positional play on the other hand is working perfectly and exactly as intended. I've included screenshots of a 4-4-2 tactic and a 4-2-3-1 tactic and their respective shapes in-game to highlight the issue.
  9. Defending the flanks is for sure a challenge but a fun one. About WM's on support - Sure, they are helping a bit but... honestly I am thinking of trying W or WM on attack. Yes, my flanks would be exposed but they are exposed even now with support duties. Tomorrow I will try your suggestion of max pressing, highest defensive line etc. Thanks
  10. Sure! Let's see it Messing around with tactics today, my 3-5-2 ended up looking something like this. CM roles operating in the half spaces is crucial in my opinion. Undecided on TIs. WM PIs - cut inside with ball. LCB and RCB told to stay wider
  11. @Ermes Messaggero Nerazzurrowell done. It's undoubtedly a match engine issue and you stuck to your guns even tho people tried to tell you "it's your tactics bro." Clearly you love and study the 352 and have spent hours playing and tweaking it on FM, can you post any screenshots (in English :D) of some of your favourite 352 tactics that you've made? I always enjoy looking at other people's tactics especially 3 at the back systems
  12. Haven't read all 12 pages but these are from Miles' twitter - "88% of people who have access to the #FM23Beta played it yesterday - seeing retention levels we've never seen before" "10,000,000 matches played!" "Highest amount of people playing the beta ever" "88% positive review score on Steam so far" "10th on steam for most played game currently" Me? Didn't buy 22, won't be buying 23, and won't be buying another version until the development of the game improves. I just wish more people would vote with their wallets if they truly want change rather than continue to buy
  13. MIles is laughing at you. "worst release" "trust lost" "very poor" and in the next breath "i'll still play" "i love it and always will" if you feel that strongly and want them to take notice try not buying the game instead of writing a forum post that miles will never read?
  14. Wait, was this originally posted somewhere else? On my monitor it looks like a screenshot but then I can edit it so I'm confused. Anyway, it's really good.
  15. Imagine you're SI and you've been tasked with attracting the casual FIFA crowd, are you making the game easy or difficult?
  16. SI fixed a corner routine a few years ago where your defender could get 30 goals a season just from set pieces. So they definitely care when that happens. If you had a "set piece creator" where it's completely blank and you can create literally anything, I guarantee someone will find an exploit where it's virtually a goal everytime there's a corner. It would be a massive headache for SI.
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