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  1. Same here, and more importantly, for everyone. And it's totally shameful and makes no sense. Takes away the match experiance completely. @Zeenan SI already knows about this so the question about "plain colours" is quite funny. They said in another thread a month ago that they aperantly don't have time do anything about it through some requests from individuals. So hopefully more gamers will highlight this maybe something will happen
  2. Jesus, I've been looking everywhere... I thought I was the only one, at least I'm not and at least I got the answer in this thread though it's really dissapointing. I thought at first: "wow, a third club text colour (outline), finally!" The ONLY reason I buying IGE every single year is JUST for changing the club text colour because I think it increases the match experience massively. But instead at this years edition it apparently gets so much worse than previous years, incredible.. The color blind option is already there in the settings!? It makes no sense what so ever that the majority of us gamers is forced to suffer for this. "A few cases where the text colour does not seem like it matches the club's main colours", yeah right... This is a really bad one SI. Maybe there is a way to fix this in the panels in the skin folder or something? I would be so grateful if someone out there have a solution for this. PLEASE!
  3. Hi everyone, I'm not sure this is the right thread for this. But I've been spent hours of trying to find a solution for this without any luck and I'm suprised that no one else seemes to wonder about this. Now, in fm 24 there is now a third club text color in matches, wich is great! But regardless of wich color I editing in the IGE, most of the time the colors doesen't correspond in the games. Arsenals away kit for example, yellow and black obviously. But then I want the blue color in the outline but it's turning black anyway. Also, for example, light blue and white doesen't seems possible either. I hope you understand what I meant and I would be so grateful if someone knows what to do about this.
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