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Everything posted by Het2

  1. Cheers Cloud9, your input is always great. I actually am running one CD and one BPD and like you say the build up sees the BPD carry the the ball into midfield with the HB below him. Been after more possession so dropped to balance and things are looking pretty good in this new set up - image below. I get to about the 70th minute and I am 1-0 up then will concede despite having 60%+ possession all game. I then revert back to to my chaotic system of this formation and try nab a win. I have found lifting the tempo and/or passing into space how get more creativity out of the team. Do a QPR save every year and this now my 3rd and longest time I have spent in the championship without being promoted EDIT: Well well well, not bad! Just had a 10 game unbeaten streak come to an end since I switched to this. Defintiyl not a perfect tactic, really had to grind some results but promising. Knocked out EPL Hull from the cup too
  2. This is actually very similar to what I was building! Can I ask if what mentality you used? Was it possession based or more direct ?
  3. Thanks for the replies everyone. Good to know people are having success out there. All the tactics I see for 433 use a DM or DLP and usually on support. @cloud9 - Was hoping you would provide your thoughts, I see you are very active in the other 433 threads. @Safe Hands - Interesting take, I hadnt thought of using a more cautious fullback on one side. The rest of your roles are actually very similar to mine. To help with the issue of there being three horizontal lines '343' in build up. I have played with the idea of my RWB being inverted and sits in the hole where the HB drops out of of. This in turn creates space for my winger on the right side. Creating sort of a 3133 in build up. But wanted this to be more situational rather than the go to. Have had some success but only on the attacking mentality and winning games like 4-2. Wanting a less chaotic approach hah. Will try on balance and get back to everyone here.
  4. Firstly, apologies for creating yet another 433 thread, however I dont see anyone discussion 433 with a Halfback. Has anyone had much luck this year creating a 433 with a HB? I am a pretty experienced FMer and usually can get my vision of how i would like to play onto the match engine but I am struggling this year. It seems like all the rage this year is IWB and IFB and Liberos. Plus all tactics are ultra attacking with Attacking mentality selected. - Seems like no one uses positive any more? Anyway, I was hoping for a classic 433 possession that morphs into a 343 with the ball with the DM (HB) dropping between the CBs with the fullbacks pushing up and the wingers tucking in. - Or am dreaming of an outdated build up model that is of 10 years ago with Busquets...hah ? The issue I am having is that the 'lines' are two rigid - 343 which is porbably why modern 3241 etc. work so well. My issue is that the HB gets the ball and often sees two CMs marked out of the game or are too far. Long story short... has any had luck with a HB this year which isnt a 4231 ? Thanks team!
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