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15 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. What would be the fun/unorthodox formation to play this year? That still works of course (not with a top 160+ team, not necessarily to be overperforming, just something that will work with midtable team)
  2. Hello! Has anyone even experienced this issue? I've changed my GPU from 3070 to 4070, and now menu navigation is a pain - as seen in the attachment, every time I hover over an menu element, it produces noticeable stuttering, which lags the UI alot. Also my manager kinda...jerks even in the main menu, like the frames are skipping or something. Note that I had no such issues in benchmarks (3Dmark, Superposition) or some of the games I've played (BF2042, CP2077, Days Gone) What I've tried so far: -Made sure that GSync is disabled -Tried the solution from https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/570834-severe-lag/#comment-13841224 -Disabled HAGS (been using it for DLSS3 tests) -Completely removed FMs AppData folder -Fully reinstalled the graphics driver using DDU I'm on Win10 x64, latest 536.40 Nvidia driver.
  3. Where could I find the BEOWULF BAL SP 424 IF VOL P107 CC mentioned as a top in HUB test? Thanks!
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