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Everything posted by Maddux

  1. Formation wise it looks ok but i would change Baldanzi to support duty so he will drop deeper during buildup and tries to penetrate the defence from a deeper position. This will give Esposito more space to operate and when he advances during tansition into the final third leaves open space for Baldanzi, Bardghji and Veloso. But your TIs and PIs, oh boy. You want to distribute the ball long and quick to Veloso and then? Slowly work the ball into the box with short passes and trying to get some corners when you can't beat the defenders with dribblings. Bardghji is your only player with really above average dribbling skills that can regularely beat his opponent and everyone else will just lose the ball 8/10 times. Maybe they get a throw-in or a corner 2 out of the other 8 times but that's it. Remove "run at defence", especially if your overall playstyle is to replicate prime Barcelona under Guardiola. And remove "play for set pieces". That's a TI i wouldn't use outside of counter tactics when my team is superior in the air. You try to create chances with Tiki Taka and dragging defenders out of position or you play for set pieces. But not both. Play out of defense AND distribute with quick long passes to the playmaker. One or none but not everything at once. Looking at your overall style of play i would remove quick distribution, throw it long and distribute to playmaker. High pressing is NOT required in the current patch to deal with passive defending. It can work but it isn't required. I and many other people use a mid to low press to force the opponents out of their own half and then have more space to counter into. I'm not saying that lower pressing is better but it's a good and well working option to the "required" high press. The PIs? Everyone in your team is instructed to pass it short, take no risks while passing, dribble a lot and take less shots. In addition to your already very slow and low risk playstyle. Of course you can't penetrate your opponents defence like that. I could watch the entire LotR trilogy before one of your players is near the goal and dares to take a shot. The way to crack a passive defence is to force the defenders to become active. Pass the ball faster, make your players move around in spaces between the opponents so the defenders have to leave their positions and open spaces you can play into. You can try to replicate prime Barcelona but it won't work if you don't have a squad like prime Barcelona. And you don't. So don't try to force this rigid and very challenging playstyle on your players. Use less TIs and PIs and give your players more freedom.
  2. Sadly not. I wasn't doing a test save with this tactics only but used the tactics in multiple savegames as first to third option. So i can't post league results with this tactics only. But i will rewrite one of my guides for the tactics and post it in the tactics sharing center soon. I'm just a bit busy with the holidays.
  3. The tactics in the first post looks pretty similar to the asymmetrical 3-4-3 i'm developing since FM 21. The tactics started as a recreation of Eintracht Frankfurt under Adi Hütter and Oliver Glasner and now, with a few tweaks what Dino Toppmöller is playing at Frankfurt, It was more a 3-4-1-2 under Hütter and Glasner but Toppmöller has transformed the tactics to a fluid system that switches between a 4-4-2 flat and various back-3 formations between phases. FM 24 Toppmöller Ball v1.3.fmf
  4. This looks like a pretty good base tactics. I use OIs but please don't ask me for help with it because i couldn't explain them to you better than Zealand did in his great OI guide video.
  5. I prefer a midfield block with "trap outside". A 3-X-X has just one winger on each side and winning the ball from a winger when the opponent is pushed higher up should result in spaces behind the winger that then can be exploitet.
  6. You need to create numerical advantages in offense and try to stretch their back-3. A front-4 formation plus 2 offensive fullbacks should create a numerical advantage and you can change yor central midfielder roles so your opponent has to cover them and can't just pull one of his DM/CM back to help in the last line.
  7. Try playing without counter press or use the "regain shape" TI. The best way to defend fast players is by slowing them down. Counter press can and will open spaces and incites your opponent to play more vertical in these spaces. Regain shape will give them more time on the ball, which they will use most likely. But this can slow down their progress and gives your team the chance to close spaces and get back in a good defensive formation. And use the "tight marking never" OI on the strikers so your CBs won't go in sprinting duels but try to challenge for the ball after the striker controled it. The best example on how perfect defending against fast players looks like would be Germanys 4:0 victory over Portugal in the 2014 World Cup. That Pepe got a red card helped to but it was perfect defending against Portugals offense around CR7. Löw didn't played a normal FB on the right side but started Boateng there instead and instructed him to off of CR7. One of Ronaldos biggest strengths is speeding away in the back of the FB but Boateng just never gave him a chance to do that. He kept away from CR7 and stood there like a roadblock when CR7 got the ball and tried to pick up tempo. Mertesacker in the middle usualy did the same.
  8. Are there any other negative things in the data hub? Like is it to easy for your opponent to play through the middle or are you bad at defending against crosses?
  9. I think that people were to busy celebrating christmas in the past couple days The update you've posted looks pretty solid and the changes you did on roles and duties would've been the first things i've would have adressed. - i don't think that the CAR is needed because he will push up high anyway in your tactics. So you could change him to CM-Su. I'm playing a similar tactics and usualy the 2 CB, the DM plus the covering WB-Su are enough to cover against counter attacks - i would instruct the keeper to distribute to the CBs AND FBs. Then he has 4 options in buildup and it isn't that easy anymore for your opponent to press you during buildup - you could add early crosses and/or change the BBM to CM-At if you want to play more direct
  10. There isn't a difference in intensity but the TI can backfire easier because usualy not every player has good defensive attributes and will get booked to often. I don't use the TI and rarely use the PI but try to manage that with OIs.
  11. The infamous Oliver Kahn lawsuit. Possible lawsuits are also the reason why clubs can't go bankrupt in FM.
  12. Do you want the striker to score a lot or to be heavily involved in buildup? Because having both is almost impossible. Or do you mean the transition from mid to final third when you're talking about buildup? Because that's something different and a striker can score well while also helping with transition the ball in the final third.
  13. I never said that an offset SS is an exploit. Just commented on a post where another user said that it's easier to get SS and a couple other roles to work right and gave an explanation why SS can be superior to other roles. I'm using an offset SS in my asymmetrical 3-4-3 because he has a better movement than other roles with his PIs.
  14. "because he has "moves into channels" hardcoded AND can be instructed to stay wider. The only other attack role that can do that to is the Trequartista and all other roles can either stay wider or move into channels. This allows for more movement and pulling defenders out of position."
  15. The SS is "stronger" than other attacking roles when used in an offset AMC position because he has "moves into channels" hardcoded AND can be instructed to stay wider. The only other attack role that can do that to is the Trequartista and all other roles can either stay wider or move into channels. This allows for more movement and pulling defenders out of position. CMs should have an advantage over DMs because they have 3 more duties to chose from but many of the CM roles arend't really different to each other except for one hardcoded PI. DM roles differ more and it's easier to get a defensive DM role to stay back than a defensive CM role. DM roles also position themself deeper during buildup, create a tighter shape by forcing teammates to come short and can pull opponents higher with the deeper position in buildup.
  16. It isn't that the striker won't score in the tactics but he scores a lot less than in other tactics. The most i've got from a central striker in a single league season were 25 goals with the average over multiple seasons and savegames being around 15 league goals. Far away from the usual tactics you can everywhere and far from my FM 23 asymmetrical 3-4-3 where the central striker averaged almost 40 league goals per season. But these are acceptable numbers in this tactics because the central striker isn't the only goalscorer. I get combined 25+ goals from the offensive wingers, 5+ goals from the CWB and 10+ goals from central midfielders. Plus goals from set pieces. These numbers don't look crazy high but these are just average numbers with sub-top to mid table teams. Better players produce higher numbers.
  17. Try Suslov as IF on the left side It sounds weird to play IFs with their strong foot outside but in FM 24 players again prefer to use their outside foot when shooting from a diagonal angle. So it's beneficial to play them with their strong foot outside and this way you also increase the chance on crosses in the six-yard-box when he can't take a shot himself.
  18. I accept everyones way to play the game because FM is a singleplayer game and it's on you how you can find the most fun. It dosn't affect my FM experience if someone decides to use exploit tactics, use the IGE to transfer Haaland to his division 3 club, or whatever. But what i can't accept is people sharing misinformation that is simply based of their own lack of knowledge. Misinformation that is stopping other users from learning and trying to improve because they're constantly told that the only way to be successful in FM is using "meta" TIs and, more or less, exploitive formations and roles. It just isn't and people have proven it countless times that totally different approaches are viable too. I have my own tactics thread here with 2 very successful balanced non-"meta" tactics and have published other non-"meta" tactics in other forums for years. In depth tactic threads and general guides that explain every little detail because i don't just want people to download my stuff but actually learn about tactics in FM so they can start creating their own successful tactics. @avenger22 claims that other approaches arend't viable? I challenge him to post his non-working tactics so i, and everyone else here in the forums, can look at it and explain to him why it isn't working and how he can improve the tactics without using exploits or "meta"-TIs.
  19. 100% Anchor Man or DM-De but i would stick with the Anchor Man. Your central midfield is very offensive and a Halfback will create a huge gap between midfield and defence. Even with an Anchor Man the gap could be to big and then a DM-De would be better. I would also change the IW-Su to W-At because CM-At and IW-Su are in the same space and you need someone to give width on the right side. A W-Su could work to and maybe would be better if you want early crosses towards the AF but i wouldn't play an IW-Su on a side with a CM-At. The left side looks good and just the AP-Su could be a bit to offensive. Do you really want him to dictate your play? If not i would change him to CM-Su.
  20. Yes. In this case placing the other CB on cover duty is a good way to counter the BPD's movement. And you can go even further by giving the CB-St the "stays back at all times" PPM.
  21. You better learn what "meta" means first. I don't give a F about results from a site that uses simulations to find out which tactics perform best because it favors exploit tactics and you don't need any knowledge about tactics to be successful with this exploit crap. I don't blame people for using exploits because FM is a singleplayer game and everyone can play however he/she wants. But claiming that there is a "meta" that you need to play and non-"meta" tactics can't be equaly as good or even better is either a lie or just shows that you have a huge lack of knowledge. People have proven countless times over the past years that other approaches are viable and equally successful. If you actually know what you're doing and i doubt that you know much about tactics.
  22. Alexander-Arnold is one of the best offensive fullbacks in the game and playing him on defend duty is a sin. Play him at least on support to have a passing option and late crosser behind Salah. The IF-At and MEZ attack the same space but usualy not at the same time so it should be fine but the CAR in left midfield is useless because he covers the same space the WB-Su does. So you have 2 players hugging each other on the left flank around the midfield line but no one on the left offensive flank to give width. Essentualy in offense you have Nunez in the middle. Diaz in the left offensive half space, Salah on the right post and Szoboszlai in the right half space. The rest is chilling in the mid third or in defence. I would put Alexander-Arnold on attack duty to exploit the right side with the right CM as CAR to cover them. And playing the left CM as MEZ-Su/At.
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