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552 "Wax on, wax off"

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  1. I mean at this point its only words. No one will know until we see any actual footage of how its been implemented in game. If it looks good then its a thumbs up I suppose, looks bad then its a thumbs down.
  2. There's ZERO doubt that the new interface is built the way it is for Console/Mobile devices. None at all it cant even be debated. Now why they couldnt design a dumbed down UI for Console and Mobile and release a fuller one for PC/Mac I dont know, there's no reason for it other than SI just do things there way and it doesnt matter at all what others think. I had a look through steam the other day and looked at screenshots of a bunch of the older FM's and the skins are absolutely horrific. Ive attached a pic of fm19, what were they thinking? Their art direction has been just awful for years.
  3. Im not sure its that serious. FM24 by all accounts has had the largest player base ever, from what we've heard. There's a part of the game base that will feel that way but I see pictures on social media all the time from the like of FM24 and this surprises me, they havent installed things like logos, player pics, name fixes etc. That says to me there's a HUGE amount of people that install the base game and just have at it. I've no doubts that FM25 will sell and sell well.
  4. Im mean, SI could tell us the reason we dont do it is X, whats stopping them other than they simply just dont care to tell the reason. The stadiums have been a joke for years in the game. They look horrible, stadiums in Italy dont look like the ones in England and so on and so forth. The game is just a bland looking bore fest graphically.
  5. To be fair when you header your post the way you have expect that response. This thread wont last but approaching it differently may get a different response.
  6. These videos dont look good on SI and this game. This is as negative a build up I can remember for a CM/FM game. Its blowing my mind that this new era and game engine and the lead feature is woman's football. It absolutely screams that they arent comfortable showing it just now and leading with the woman's feature gives them another 2 weeks, at least, to work on it. If thats not a huge red flag for this games development im not sure what else could be.
  7. Anyone that has Game Pass would be mental to pre order anyway. No beta? Game Pass saves you money this year.
  8. To be fair, a few of them that I've seen have said that they cant recommend pre orders yet as there's nothing to go on.
  9. Not sure this is so much of an issue. Until the game is "gold" anything can happen. Games few months out tend to have approximate release dates. Even if its a set date its still a place holder until the game is ready to go.
  10. Spent some of this afternoon watching some content creator videos on the "news" today. Not good folks, the positivity is almost non existent.
  11. Absolutely. Competition specific colours as you progress through should be a thing. EAFC has it and it adds to the game. Said it earlier there has to be a different feeling managing one team to another in a basic way it just adds a freshness to it. People play this game for hours on end. Make it worth while to look at for that period of time. I will add though that I do think the basic look of the skin has something going for it, it looks clean but it needs expanded on.
  12. Ive never understood the way they've all but eliminated things like this from the game. Team logos are smaller than ever, team colours are non existent. Kits are the same. There's been a design decision somewhere along the lines that, IMO of course, stinks. The only way they could make this skin any more boring is if they changed the colour to grey. Thats it. The bars been low over the last few years and I think somehow they've managed to get below it this year again.
  13. The unfortunate thing is that at times people will need to upgrade or be left behind. Any game cannot be held back by limitations from systems. Just like consoles there will come a time when games will stop being developed but PS4 and Xbox One and people will need a PS5 or Series console.
  14. I dont follow him, because why would I but in summary, We'll release info when we release it and its all going to be in this "live" roadmap.
  15. I mean, the date will be unlocked... This isnt some advent calendar for a kid, open the door. Find out what youve won.
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