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10 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. I have the exact same issue (also Jude Bellingham) Uploaded pre save game Jonny Sykes - At Burnley.fm to ownCloud
  2. It's not the biggest issue in the world but I noticed one of my region loan players having this in his League Data...... 1 game, 3 goals, rating 2.30
  3. Season 3 - some friendly created but no league games Save game uploaded/uploading : Jonny Sykes - Bradford City 2.fm
  4. I started a game as Bradford City. The game starts with no U21 team. I asked the board for one which was granted. I then recruited staff and ensured the U21 manager was responsible for fixtures. However in to season 2 there are no fixtures. I am not in a league and no friendlies are being arranged by the staff
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