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  1. Hello everyone, I have a big problem with my new database file for Germany. In the lowest two competitions (Westwind / Ostwind) there are constant error messages, in Westwind even editor CTDs. The errors are mostly due to too few teams in individual child competitions. I have now spent weeks and months trying to find a solution and am at the end of my skill&luck. There is no more detailed description because I am looking for someone who would like to look at the file in its entirety and take a look at the two competitions in particular and or find further errors. In return I offer a mention as co-author in all relevant descriptions and websites. Thank you very much and I would be delighted to hear back. Faber ---------------------------------------------------------- License: The file is based on the work of D4n1v4l (Meistertrainerforum), I have his permission. I do not want this file to circulate in its current state. In general, all my works are published under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, also to protect the work of other authors. This does not include any necessary publication here after necessary repairs. Background Information(NO DOWNLOAD from there): https://herrfaber79.wordpress.com/fair_germany_leaguefile/ FairGermany2.zip
  2. Heyho, thanks for your reply, that should be the numbers if I got my editor science right. That should be around 1.5k, plus 182 without any division. Formerly Level 5 was active too, then it would be 996. greets,
  3. Hello, thanks for the reply. I set all level 3 leagues to an equal size and level 4 leagues as well. Afterwards I filled them with teams according to the size. Now I get the above error even in the 4th level leagues. There is absolutely no connection with regional rules recognizable, no causality, no coincidences, nothing. Just sometimes this error, sometimes that, sometimes leagues with 20 teams have only 18 according to the errors. I definitely remember why I quit modding this game a few months ago. In any case, thanks for your help
  4. Hello guys, I'm working on an alternate germany DB file which looks like the attached picture. What happens is: In year 2, I get the error message "couldn't find rules for league with xyz teams" for the last active league above the inactive competitions. If I set the 6th divisions active, I get it for one of the landesligen, right now I get it for some of the Oberligen (Level 5), like "Niedersachsenliga". If you look at the tests, you see that there are less teams in the respective league as required. However, this is not triggered by the qualification rules, for example for the Niedersachsenliga the champion is promoted to the Regionalliga (level 3), the last 5 are relegated to the Landesliga (level 5). In total, there are 12x5 relegated teams from 12 leagues and 30x2 promoted teams from 31 leagues, so it should actually be balanced. For the promotion side there are 12x1 Teams from Level 4 Leagues to Level 3 Leagues and 4x3 relegated teams from Level 3 to level 4. So I really don't know that the problem is, I'd be really happy for some help.
  5. EDIT: It works! Thank you so much. Had to leave the Main Stage Name in 'Teams' empty. So happy right now. Hey, thanks for your answer. I tried it, unfortunately, it still throws the error. My settings are in the attachment png. Editor doesn't seem to recognize the semi final winners, at least thats my theory. There is no difference if I use the origin or the target main stage in the teams Main Stage Name Field. Maybe I'm doing it wrong. I have checked the date of the semi-final and the date of the play-off start and the chronology is correct, but is it possible that no winner of the semi-final can be determined at the time the rule is applied? greetings,
  6. Hello everyone, I can't transfer the best 2 teams from phase 0 (cup), either the finalists or the winners and losers of the final, as you like, to phase 1 (playoff league) within competition A. Either the teams arrive a year late or the editor throws an "Round 1 needs 18 teams, only 16 found" error. The 16 teams come from 8 subleagues in the same competition, they are champions and runners-up. I assume that I need entries in phase 0 (Cup) under "Fate Actions" and / or (?) in phase 1 "teams"? Its probably not that difficult but I'm totally stuck. The german translation makes it worse somehow, sometimes round is translated with round, sometimes with stage, sometimes with phase, sometimes there is simply nothing at all, so yes, I don't really have a precise vocabulary, as well, with the product. I would be very happy for some help, best regards Faber Translated with DeepL
  7. obivously submitting a bug report helped. Verification now matches successfull tests. This report should be closed
  8. Situation: Germany 7th tier leagues in a modded database are successfully tested in 100% of cases, but still deliver an error message "promotions relegations don't match" within verification. Problem#1: League test procedure is apparently internally different from the Verfication procedure. Problem#2: Due to the successful tests, I have no debug tool anymore. Therefore I'm submitting a bug report. Steps to Reproduce: -Open Editor, load database, load the attached file in the editor ---------- Succesfull Test ------------------------ -Click on Test Competitions -set country to germany if not already present -set competition level to 7 or 8 -create new test -set date to 2026 or 2028 -continue to date without errors ---------- Verification Error ------------------------ -open 'Rules' Tab -open 'Test Rules', select 'Ostwind Qualifiers' -see the promotion/relegation error between GG(Große Gesandtschaft) and OQ(Ostwind Qualifiers)
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