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184 "Just keep swimming"


  • Biography
    For every FM I always take one team and stay there until I stop playing the game completely

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    Borås, Sweden


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    Cats, dogs, computer games, poker, football, stuff

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    IFK Göteborg

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  1. Brazil and France have been the only ones to break free from stagnating attacks. I've been so bored with a lot of matches, been unlucky enough to catch all 0-0 games while missing a few of the ones with a lot of goals. I'd include England in teams that look promising but really Iran were just levels below them so it's hard to say. Brazil looked fantastic yesterday, it's hard to look beyond them this year. Uruguay were thoroughly disappointing to me round 1, South Korea gave them lots of troubles and could have snatched a win even. Argentina and Germany are obvious picks, but I wanna mention a constipated Denmark, a lacklustre Netherlands and a thoroughly frustrating Belgium as well. I've watched most games and so far this WC is fairly forgettable. Especially frustrating having so many 0-0's!
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