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22 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"


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    Spain Assistant Researcher of Villarreal, Fuenlabrada and regions of Madrid and Comunidad Valenciana

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    Lechia Gdánsk

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  1. Like I said, for the winter patch of the DB it will appear, it was not launched yet. If you have any info about the board like dates of birth or their past jobs, everything will be welcomed and helpful to introduce them on the game!
  2. No, Andorra asks for 20 years of residence to gain nationality, so it is not possible to gain it for a player.
  3. Hello @NickSnM first of all please do not be impolite with your comment. We are working hard to make the game the most updated every year and we are always checking all available information to be sure that what we are reflecting is the reality and not making up numbers or looking for unreliable sources. As for what corresponds to the Spanish database (because you mix in your comment what corresponds to this thread with other leagues), Griezmann's signing was completed in October, so it makes no sense to keep him as Barcelona's property if he is no longer owned by this club. In the case of Willian Jose only the amount paid by Real Hispalis in this summer is missing, we will add it in the winter patch. About the rest of the questions, do you have any official and 100% trusted source other than internet news? Thanks for your comment, have a nice day.
  4. Yes, it is not a problem of Spanish DB, in the game this team is named Atlético Pamplona (ATP). Probably a patch that you installed
  5. We will check it for the next patch, thank you!
  6. He was heavily improved from FM22, as you can easily check comparing him in both editions, FM22/FM23. If he is still playing at great level, we will check him again on next patch, thank you.
  7. Not an error of the DB, and already reported here, at the correct part of the forum:
  8. We will check it for the next patch, thank you!
  9. We will check it for the next patch, thank you!
  10. We will check it for the next patch, thank you!
  11. As we have said before, we have done our best to correct this error on our side, now it is not a problem with the Spanish database, please report it in the correct thread, thank you: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/football-manager-2023-early-access-beta-bugs-tracker/league-specific-issues/spain-official-league-specific-issues/
  12. The translation issue is probably due to French translation of the game, in Spanish and English it looks correct, you can report that here [French] Issues in French Translation - Bug Tracker - Sports Interactive Community (sigames.com) Trophies of last season will be added for the final release, thanks!
  13. Thank you for raising this issue, we will add his Italian passport because it is the EU passport and we can only put three in the database.
  14. Thank you, we are reviewing the information and will fix any bugs we find for the final release.
  15. Thank you, we are reviewing the information and will fix any bugs we find for the final release.
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